thecodemonkey86 / qt_mysql_driver

Typical symptom: QMYSQL driver not loaded. Solution: get pre-built Qt SQL driver plug-in required to establish a connection to MySQL / MariaDB using Qt. Download qsqlmysql.dll binaries built from official Qt source code
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QSqlDriver::hasFeature(Transactions) returns false #28

Open sadeqAlbana opened 2 years ago

sadeqAlbana commented 2 years ago

so I'm not sure if this is a problem related to the linked dll or the compiled plugin or some incompatibility between the server and the connector but on windows Qt 5.15.3 and mysql server 8.0.29(on a linux host), this problem occurs.

thecodemonkey86 commented 2 years ago


Qt 5.15.3

Which MySQL driver are you using? I wasn't able to provide a release for that particular Qt version yet

sadeqAlbana commented 2 years ago

sorry, it's Qt 5.15.2 MSVC64, got it confused with my ubuntu installation.

thecodemonkey86 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm this happens using Qt 5.15.2, but I currently don't understand why. With Qt 6.3.1 it's correct, using the same MySQL-Server (I got v8.0.21) and the same MySQL library. On the other hand, transactions work for me correctly anyway (i.e beginTransaction, rollbackTransaction and commitTransaction return true and leave the database in the expected state), even though hasFeature(Transactions) returns false