Closed starsaillor closed 6 years ago
I noticed this also, only just happened as of 30 minutes ago. It isn't a bug with the tool. Either something is down with liveme or the API has changed?
that's what I was wondering, just in case, I backed up my data e reset everything. I also tried to use another tool and the result was the same, no replays listed.
I just hope this is a temporary issue. I'll keep checking.
I can also confirm this for liveme toolkits and the view_me java script from a while ago. I fear they might have changed their replay system?
They've slightly changed the /live/getreplayvideos
API endpoint. It expects a POST request with some authentication data in the body:
tuid=your user ID&token=a sign-in token matching your user id
Also, the d
header (device id I believe) can't be empty anymore (for this request), but any short, random hexadecimal sequence seems to work.
Unfortunately, the only way I know of getting a valid uid/token pair is by creating an account and signing in.
I'm fine with logging in through liveme tools if that's what it would take to use it now.
same here, I hope our coding masters come up with something..
Just happy that it still seems viable. doesn't matter if i have to login for it.
Thank you everyone for letting me know about this both here and on Discord.
This will require some research and testing to figure out how to authenticate with Live.Me servers so data can be fetched now. Unfortunately no one ever documented the API calls so it's going to take some time to figure it out and add it in.
If anyone wants to lend a hand and reverse-engineer the calls needed and stuff it would be greatly appreciated since I don't have much free time anymore myself to do this kind of stuff.
For updates on this or to help, please see this issue ticket on the LiveMe-API module repository.
Hello all,
With LMTools 6.3.3, I can search videos with the hashtags without logging in. Does it mean only list of videos of particular broadcaster requires authentication ?
It seems that getting a list of replays and detailed information on each replay now requires authentication (tuid/token/androidid) parameters.
Hopefully these can be documented as to the extent of what they need to be.
Not sure how to implement this. There's a white list for the redirect URLs when logging in with various social media. In order to add the functionality to login with those, a new application would need to be registered for each.
As far as the standard login flow, it is as follows:
Step 1:
Data: {
name: Email
password: base64( password ),
sr: 1
Response: {
status: Status code,
msg: Any misc info
data: {
access_token: Access token
Step 2:
Data: {
thirdchannel: 6 ( Not sure what this is for ),
androidid: Randomly generated UUID. For info on how it's generated, see below,
countrycode: ,
reg_type: 108,
access_token: Access token received from Step 1
Response: {
status: Status code,
msg: Any misc info,
data: {
user: {
uid: The user's unique ID,
nickname: User's username,
face: Profile picture I believe,
level: User's level,
reward: Not sure what this is,
country: User's country code,
area: Related to users country,
short_id: User's short ID,
diamond_left: Number of diamonds the user has,
reg_time: I assume the token regen time in EPOC
createUUID: function(t) {
var e, n, o = [], a = "0123456789abcdef";
for (e = 0; e < 36; e++)
o[e] = a.substr(Math.floor(16 * Math.random()), 1);
return o[14] = "4",
o[19] = a.substr(3 & o[19] | 8, 1),
t ? n = o.join("").substr(0, 32) : (o[8] = o[13] = o[18] = o[23] = "-",
n = o.join("")),
Thank you for the info. I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to work on this though. If anyone wants to help, feel free to submit pull requests and I'll merge them in.
Thanks again for the help and info.
I know this request may seem out of place, but can anyone share the related discord invite? It seems easier to interact there. Tks
haha, guess I have to wait. The "quick fix" in the issue might as well be in japanese. I wouldn't even know where to begin.
The LiveMe-API module has been updated to now include the new commands for login and stuff.
Don't know when or if I'll update the Pro Tools now though. I may flag this end of life unless someone else want to take over being the active developer on this project.
Oh no, you were my shiny beacon in a world of convoluted webcam searches! (that's not even sarcasm or anything)
Please man, don't say that, I'm sure that if everyone helps, we can still have this wonderful tool up and running
thank you coder for the update, but man .. i have no clue how to work with this '' LiveMe-API ''. i'll just have to wait and hope for an .exe release
Yeah, I also thank you for the reaction to this and especially for providing the past months. It would be a shame if this falls into obscurity and then at some point is dead like other stream services before and we missed out on what it provides right now.
I'm more than willing to help, but my knowledge of coding is a bit rusty (more than a bit tbh), if you guys are willing to put a team together, with someone who knows the business.
I'm in
I would help, but I have absolutely no clue about all this, so not really much help. I even tried downloading node and fumbling with the code snippets up there, but that went nowhere
I'm unfortunately stuck at the moment in my progress.
This might be worthless info, but I've seen other programs like this where the user enters their token into a text box and the program saves it and uses that. In other words, you don't have to code it so we log in through the program. If there's a way for us to get the token/code/whatever from logging into the liveme websites ourselves through our browsers, then we can enter the token in manually and it theoretically would be easier to code.
What is the updated version of the old url search? Like this:
@barakaka There is no magic single token used or available. The tokens are generated from user accounts. They want to track activity now to know who's doing what and stop people from abusing the system.
@thedude1999 Additional parameters like an access_token
and more are now required.
omg its so ^%$#@! painfully slow and tedious having to share a broadcast to twitter in order to manually get the m3u8 file lol
If it's even possible I would be fine with a file that you edit with notepad++ where you enter your token and a program or tutorial on how to get your token. Don't need a fancy login UI.
im fine with anything really , just something to show the replays , even its as simple as the old view_me thingy that was first released a while back
I hope someone with the knowledge will try to get this to work again. I wished I could help somehow but I only know Commodore 64 Basic 😆 At the same time, I understand they want to avoid anonymous hording of bandwith.
Yeah, the view me thing was pretty barebones and lacks a lot of features but still better than nothing
I'm working on an alternative app. Going to rewrite the liveme-api
code a bit so I can dev the app faster. It's gonna take me a few days to release an alt app though.
Just started on it, but you can see my progress on my fork for the api code.
You're a saint among us sinners ^^
I would personally still love seeing Pro Tools fixed up eventually. I couldn't understand myself how much work it would be to add whats necessary to make it work properly again. But to me this seems like the home stretch, updated then development put on hold or abandoned assuming things won't change where it breaks again. It'd be such a shame to see all the work put into this wasted in the end over the smallest (yet very annoying) update to the liveme API. It's like the entire treasure chest is still there full of gold, we just need the key added to open the locked door! I say this only because I know how it feels to have so much work seem lost or deemed useless. I hope only to inspire continuation or at least thank you @thecoder75 and everyone else involved for your time in making such a useful tool. Would be awesome to see your work on different projects in the future as well. Thank you.
@ddpk I might pick it up, not yet sure.
// Edit: could someone link me a Discord if there exists one for livemetools.
@Lewdninja For what it's worth, i got this invite from one of Coders introduction texts, but it seems only he can write there, so probably not very useful to you:
Well.. I can't be arsed to set up an environment to monitor requests. I would like to get the process for email sign up. If anyone is willing to help me out - add me on Discord Ninja#5946
@thecoder75 what's the IDE you use to dev this project?
This is probably a stupid question, but how does the app on my phone still work. Presumably it runs the API without the new parameter? If so can you identify as an old version of the app?
@mmmbaby I assume you are talking about the official app? Cause that was updated of course. The issue we have here is that we get videos through the backdoor and not their menus. (hope that description makes sense)
@Lewdninja Not sure if I understand, but if you mean you want to make a process that lets you sign up through liveme tools, I'd say it should be enough if you can enter your officially made account date into the tools instead and that should make it easier, than makeing a signup process in the program. Of course I am talking without any coding knowledge
@lifesuckz69 I already have the app working for me locally. I want to implement sign up into the app itself for others.
I don't think my version of the official app has been updated.
@Lewdninja the only way i've been able to "sign up" via the website is logging in with instagram, then it creates an account with your instagram name. And even that didn't seem to work at first and it doesn't let you use any features except chat.
@barakaka have u tried signing up with email?
@Lewdninja I see. Just trying to find ways to make it easier. Maybe by providing a button to get your token and writing that into a field in the settings? That way it could take that value instead of having to have a full blown registration/sign up function? (again, no coding knowledge, so if it's nonsense, feel free to ignore my suggestions ^^)
@barakaka I think you can make an account with the mail icon (lower row, middle icon) and that is the same login you would use on the phone app:
Well.. anyone who wants to use the app check my fork. It's a quickfix I guess. I added login options under Settings.
@Lewdninja fuck yeah, you're the king. Thanks!
After a quick testdrive I can say it works like a charm
@Lewdninja I can see replays in the tool once again but trying to download them just causes them to remain forever queued., Not sure what the problem is. Is there a way to grab the m3u8 link so that I can just manually download them outside of the tool?
I had the queue bug even before the API change with the most recent version. I even confirmed FFMPEG was in my windows folder.
@Lewdninja Thank you so much. I appreciate your work! Wait a second how do the dowloads starts? It just says queued.
It seems the tool is bugged, at least for me, no more replays are being listed, tried several user accounts, including my own which I'm sure has replays. Idk what happened here, I wonder if Live me has changed anything on their side, and if the tool is still functional.
Any insights are welcome.