Abstract: As applications move to a container first strategy, the need to run virtual machines diminishes. It's time to move back to bare-metal servers and removing snowflake deployments with immutable infrastructure. Learn how to use Docker Machine to orchestrate and control bare-metal infrastructure which can easily manage your on-prem Docker clusters.
Outline: This session will show integrations between Docker Machine and RackHD. RackHD is an open source bare-metal orchestration engine that allows control of storage, servers, and networking through configuration management.
Many enterprises run infrastructure on-premise. 95% of these enterprises are probably running a virtualization solution today and can remove the hypervisor overhead and run Docker containers on bare-metal servers. The problem is understanding how to manage a bare-metal infrastructure. This session will cover how they can use the Docker Machine Driver for RackHD to use Docker Machine as the central location for management and deployment of Docker infrastructure
Key Takeaways:
Attendees will understand Docker Machine
Attendees will know about solutions for managing bare-metal infrastructure
Attendees will know how to integrate the two
All products demonstrated are open source technologies and freely available as well as all code.
Title: Bare-Metal Containers with Docker Machine
Abstract: As applications move to a container first strategy, the need to run virtual machines diminishes. It's time to move back to bare-metal servers and removing snowflake deployments with immutable infrastructure. Learn how to use Docker Machine to orchestrate and control bare-metal infrastructure which can easily manage your on-prem Docker clusters.
Outline: This session will show integrations between Docker Machine and RackHD. RackHD is an open source bare-metal orchestration engine that allows control of storage, servers, and networking through configuration management.
Many enterprises run infrastructure on-premise. 95% of these enterprises are probably running a virtualization solution today and can remove the hypervisor overhead and run Docker containers on bare-metal servers. The problem is understanding how to manage a bare-metal infrastructure. This session will cover how they can use the Docker Machine Driver for RackHD to use Docker Machine as the central location for management and deployment of Docker infrastructure
Key Takeaways: