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Containerized RackHD for Rancher demo #140

Closed codenrhoden closed 7 years ago

codenrhoden commented 8 years ago

Run RackHD in containers (starting from RackHD/rackhd/docker) allowing for customized network configuration and different default/custom workflows.

need to upload tagged images to Docker hub that can be pulled down by Rancher. Need to figure out if custom demo workflows/config can be loaded from external source.

codenrhoden commented 8 years ago

The build/tag/DockerHub part of this is done, and there is a working docker-compose setup as well. RackHD customization is happened via an extra container launched by compose to POST/PUT to the RackHD whatever we need.

The network and/or monorail config changes may necessitate image rebuilds, but that might not be true since /opt/monorail is mounted as a volume.

Progress as of today is that RackHD now includes a custom "total memory" catalog task, and this task output is used to sort nodes into large vs small SKUs.

This is all at on the rancherdemo branch. Images for these have been pushed to DockerHub/emccode.

codenrhoden commented 7 years ago

Just a few updates on this...

My rancherdemo branch continues to be maintained, with several changes to Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml. There are very few changes to RackHD code itself. Once all functionality is locked down, I'd like to see if I can lay my changes on top of RackHD master and see if things still work.

Longer-term, I see issues with how the monorail config file is passed into containers, and how things are persisted to volumes.