thecodewarrior / Hooked

Adds terraria style hooks to minecraft
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
12 stars 12 forks source link

Unable to use hook after switching dimensions #11

Closed clragon closed 5 years ago

clragon commented 6 years ago

After switching to another dimension, I'm not able to use my hook and have to reequip it every time.

It's highly annoying. Can this be fixed?

kind regards.

thecodewarrior commented 6 years ago

Can you give me any more details about your setup? e.g. modpack/modlist and configs if you’ve modified them. Also, i need to know if you can reliably reproduce the issue and the steps required to do so. Logs would be helpful as well.

clragon commented 6 years ago

Server Log: latest.log

Modlist: modlist.txt

The issue is reproducable 100% of the time.

Switching dimension trough any method provided will make me unable to use the hook and I need to take it out of the bauble slot and put it back in to use it again.


  1. aquire any hook
  2. equip in any bauble slot
  3. switch to a different dimension

Result: hook is now unusable and you need to take it out of the slot and put it back

I can send you any of the configs if you tell me which mod(s) you need.

clragon commented 6 years ago

[Updated my comment with requested information]

NewtonAppolonius commented 5 years ago

Just to add that I see this behaviour as well. Tested it in my test instance, standard 12.2.2 vanilla with just Hooked installed, and the same behaviour is seen.