thecodewarrior / Hooked

Adds terraria style hooks to minecraft
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
12 stars 12 forks source link

Strange error using hook in SMP #17

Open esotericist opened 5 years ago

esotericist commented 5 years ago

So, using hooked 1.0.2. Logged into server, tried to use grappling hook shortly after logging in, got booted from the server with this in the server console.

After this occurred, on reconnecting, simply jumping onto a block (no hook involved) produced a similar result.

Possibly pertinent: I'm wearing Construct's Armory slime boots, which makes abrupt landings a little more complicated (they're essentially tinkers' construct slime boots in modifiable form).

esotericist commented 5 years ago

The problem didn't recur after restarting both client and server, by the way. Just seemed like it was of note

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

Hmmm... One of the guys who works on LibLib thought he would improve the saving system. The saving system is an eldritch horror that only I understand, so I'm pretty sure you can guess how that went, nae you have experienced how it went.

The fact that it's gone away is good, however it hints at yet another thing that may have broken