thecodewarrior / Hooked

Adds terraria style hooks to minecraft
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
12 stars 12 forks source link

Hook won't Fire Correct if [Fire Hook] Set to mouse or Conflict with other keybind #20

Open Nathan8489 opened 5 years ago

Nathan8489 commented 5 years ago

i tried set [Fire Hook] to mouse middle click to simulate Dying Light style play, but not work as will as.

it seems because mouse input will not trigger onKeyInput event, and some vanilla hotkey(like Hotbar slot and others idk) will set KeyBinding.isPressed to false makes hook won't fire.

And Thank you for making such a great mod.

dsmall3303 commented 5 years ago

Seconded; it seems as if some conflicts are allowed (such as JourneyMap's "Chat Position (at cursor)" in fullscreen map mode) but not others (such as advanced rocketry's "Open Rocket GUI" or The Betweenlands' "Open Equipment Menu").