thecodewarrior / Hooked

Adds terraria style hooks to minecraft
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Red hook prevents other players from jumping in multiplayer #21

Open DaedalusGame opened 5 years ago

DaedalusGame commented 5 years ago

Anytime another player on the server uses the hook, my movement becomes floaty and i'm unable to jump. When they stop using the hook, jump and movement behavior returns to normal. We're using Hooked 1.0.2

EDIT: Just happened with the diamond hook too. EDIT2: Relogging fixes it EDIT3: Relogging appears to push the bug to the next person

Bluberry-Kat commented 5 years ago

I also am getting this problem, using hooked 1.0.3.

In the event it may be helpful, I tracked down a reproduction method. Specifically, we could consistently reproduce it, by having a player activate their elytra, and then hook into a wall (using the end hook.)

I suspect the problem persists with all kinds of hooks, and as well, the bug was reproduced when a player used wings from the Wings mod in place of an elytra.

jacobthoma commented 5 years ago

Also experienced this issue on running a local server (2 players, LAN) of Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles pack (version 4.6 and 4.5a) with Hooked 1.0.3. One player cannot jump while the other player uses either the Wood or Iron Hook. Sometimes, the server player cannot jump while the second player has their hook activated. Other times, the second player cannot jump while the server player has their hook activated).

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch Server via Twitch
  2. Start Single player world
  3. Open LAN
  4. Second player joins server (IP:port)
  5. One player activates hook
  6. Other player cannot jump