thecodewarrior / Hooked

Adds terraria style hooks to minecraft
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
12 stars 12 forks source link

taking fall damage when moving down with hooks #22

Open mantorok4866 opened 5 years ago

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

for example, I made a very high tower and used the hooks to make my way down the wall, the tower is about 50 to 100 blocks tall, when I finally get near the bottom, my body was only 2 blocks off the floor, I jumped to land, and died instantly. this happens every time I move down, I take the same amount of fall damage as I would if I just jumped down instead of using the hooks. get this

Laike-Endaril commented 5 years ago

I have nothing to do with the project, but I could not reproduce your issue (I even made sure to use the same hook type). Any chance you could post a video? I'm interested because I'm testing hooked for balance and/or bugs for a modpack.

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

I have a recording of the bug, but this page wont let me post it, its a vlc file, I also tried uploading it as a zip file but its more than 10 MBs. maybe I can send it to your email/gmail if you want, I need to know what your email/gmail is though.

Laike-Endaril commented 5 years ago

You could see if streamable is compatible with vlc or not ( Seems like the video version of imgur (no login required). Or take a look at some gif creation tools maybe?

I'm not sharing my email atm but yeah, if I get to see it animated I can tell if I'm doing everything the same or not.

Also, are you running with other mods alongside? If so, disable all other mods and test - that will tell you if it's hooked or if something else is messing with the physics

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

The fall damage is an issue that manifested with previous versions of the mod because of packet issues. If this is using the latest version then I'll take a look at it. The mod is currently half way through a large refactoring (though I haven't worked on it much lately due to burnout and hitting a wall when trying to figure out how to find the closest point within a 3d convex hull to one outside it… which is not fun it turns out), so many of these issues will simply be replaced with new ones once it is finished.

A complete mod list would be helpful, along with any custom effects you have (like increased max health or magic leaping boots or whatnot)

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

I decided to just post the video on my youtube channel:

here is a list of all the mods I had loaded in:

Astral Sorcery Baubles Better Builders Wands BetterFps Botania CreativeCore DynamicSurroundings Erebus Extra Alchemy Eyes In The Darkness Forgelin Hooked ItemPhysic_Full IvToolKit Jei(just enough items) librarianlib llibrary lychanites mobs mod Placebo Plants RecurrentComplex Redstone+++ ScalingHealth SilentLib SkyLands VeinMiner Xaeros minimap mod

im going to try only using hooked to see if that helps.

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

If it still happens with only hooked then I'll test it with your setup. What's your forge version? I want to be able to make my setup as close to yours as possible.

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

so I ran a minecraft session using forge release 1.12.2-forge 1.12.2- the mods I ran were Baubles-1.12-1.5.2 Forgelin-1.6.0 hooked-1.0.3 librarianlib-1.12.2-4.9

I built another tower like in the video and repeated my actions. I still recieved fall damage as I hooked my way down. I also jumped down to see if the damage was the same, I went down to half a heart using the hooks, but when I jumped I had about 2 full hearts left.

Laike-Endaril commented 5 years ago

That's quite interesting...I wonder if the newer forge version broke the mechanics. I'm currently using forge 1.12.2- and it seems to work fine, with or without other mods.

I might add that even though newer forge versions have been released, the one I'm running is still the officially recommended version (recommended by the forge group themselves) so unless you have a mod that requires a newer version I suggest changing to 2768 for general stability (and ofc if you do so, please post to say whether it fixes the issue or not so thecodewarrior has some info to go on)

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

If rolling back forge fixes it I can look into what changes were made between those versions, if not I'll go through the normal process of thinking hard and poking around. Thanks for the help guys, it is very much appreciated 👍

Laike-Endaril commented 5 years ago

Strangely enough, I was unable to reproduce using the exact same setup as mantorok's minimal test build (including versioning of forge and all mods)

I ran 2 separate tests... grappling while falling, then grappling down the rest of the tower and jumping/releasing when near the ground but not touching... ...and one where I was standing on a platform near the top of the tower (not airborne), and grappled all the way down to just above ground level, then jumped/released

Neither test resulted in damage

Note that these tests were run in single player mode (mantorok, was your last test in single player or multiplayer?)

I'm pretty well stumped at this point, but I can run tests on request if you need me to codewarrior (if you think of a particular test case you want someone to try).

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

I was playing in singleplayer, I also tried two things: I tried reinstalling hooked 1.0.3 and that didnt work I also tried an earlier version, the hooked 1.0.2 hotfix and that still didnt work.

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

Can you zip up the entire instance and send it? has free uploads I believe up to 2gb.

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

like zipping forge and the mods? or the world save?

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

Ideally all three. The goal being to match your setup as precisely as possible. One thing that may be important also is whether the game is particularly laggy for you, as I believe that has contributed to a couple issues before.

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

lag? a thought appeared when you said that but im not sure if it would be the problem. back when I started to mod on my new and current computer, I had some strange issues... if I run about 5 small mods with dependencies OR if I run 2 big mods, my frames drop to 1. im not even joking it drops to 1 frame a second. I had just enough mods to not get to this point but whats interesting is when my world save got bigger and bigger, I eventually hit the 1 frame mark. I had no idea what the problem was and if it was my computer or not, I assigned 2 gb of memory to maximize lag control but that didnt work.

so if you look at Better fps mod, it gives you an option to use half algorithms, as soon as I used that option all lag went away, I went from running 2 or 5 mods to running 50 at once! as I said Im not sure how relevant this is but I thought I should tell you that.

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

BetterFPS shouldn't have too much of an impact, but a low TPS can. The hooks are simulated clientside so there isn't latency, but this can lead to the server disagreeing. Sometimes it can disagree and the client never finds out, so the to the server they were floating in mid-air (and thus falling) for that long.

mantorok4866 commented 5 years ago

whats also interesting is only better fps has a positive impact, optifine doesn't just not help it makes the lag worse. but even with better fps I don't really experience any lag. Im not sure what else I can bring up that may be helpful.

thecodewarrior commented 5 years ago

BetterFPS shouldn't have too much of an impact, but a low TPS can. The hooks are simulated clientside so there isn't latency, but this can lead to the server disagreeing. Sometimes it can disagree and the client never finds out, so the to the server they were floating in mid-air (and thus "falling") for that long.