thecodingmachine / docker-images-php

A set of PHP Docker images
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GItlab ci: Composer cache permission denied #386

Closed rophini92 closed 1 week ago

rophini92 commented 2 months ago


We have an issue with using the image using Gitlab-ci. We're migrating from the edbizarro/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php image.

Expected Behavior

Composer install should install all the packages. It works if we add the --no-cache flag to composer install.

Current Behavior

Composer fails installing, gives the following error while downloading the packages:

Failed to download nunomaduro/collision from dist: /cache/files/nunomaduro/collision does not exist and could not be created: 
    Now trying to download from source
  - Syncing nunomaduro/collision (v8.1.1) into cache
In Cache.php line 201:
  copy(/cache/files/symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme/f2ff520717c3b4b0b6f235bd92 Failed to open stream: Permission denied   

Your Environment

These are the settings in our gitlab-ci file.

  image: thecodingmachine/php:8.2-v4-cli
  stage: build
    - master
    - main
    - development
    - dev
    - composer install


mistraloz commented 2 months ago

I do not understand why composer in your environment store his cache to /cache/ instead of /home/docker/.cache/composer . I do not reproduice it with a regular docker run process. I recommand you to check your environments variables and gitlab-ci runner configuration.

stale[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Please update it if any action still required.

stale[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue has been automatically closed because it has not had recent activity. Please, reopen if you need.