The Mouf PHP framework: an open-source PHP framework providing an easy way to download, install, use and reuse components, with a graphical user interface.
This creates issues with IDEs when using PhpStorm to work on Packananlyst for instance, because it finds the class definition for composer files multiple times:
in vendor/composer/composer where composer got installed as a dependency
in vendor/mouf/mouf/composer.phar because PhpStorm is smart enough to analyze phars
There are ways to make it ignore the phar, but this practice looks weird (and your phar is old btw, as it is from December 2014)
This creates issues with IDEs when using PhpStorm to work on Packananlyst for instance, because it finds the class definition for composer files multiple times:
where composer got installed as a dependencyvendor/mouf/mouf/composer.phar
because PhpStorm is smart enough to analyze pharsThere are ways to make it ignore the phar, but this practice looks weird (and your phar is old btw, as it is from December 2014)