thecodingmachine / nodejs-installer

An installer package that let's you install NodeJS and NPM as a Composer dependency.
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nodejs-installer fails on arm (continued) #28

Closed Fabiensk closed 8 years ago

Fabiensk commented 8 years ago

This is the continuation from #17 (nodejs-installer fails on arm (Raspberry pi). Installation failed on my Ubuntu for Odroid.

> php -r 'print php_uname("m")."\n";' armv7l

Indeed the nodejs binaries for my architecture are available at under the name node-v6.7.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz.

I could write a patch, but I don't know how to test it: I don't know how to make composer use the patched version of nodejs-installer on my machine.

Context: I try to install Wallabag on this machine.

merwan commented 8 years ago

Had the exact same issue while installing Wallabag on a Scaleway C1 ARM server. I manually changed the line 171 in the vendor/mouf/nodejs-installer/src/NodeJsInstaller.php file in my Wallabag directory and added the missing -linux string and it installed correctly. I will provide a patch ASAP.