thecognifly / YAMSPy

Yet Another Multiwii Serial Protocol Python Interface... for Betaflight, iNAV, etc...
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The code works correctly or not on my microcontroller F411 NOXE V3 #26

Open brightproject opened 8 months ago

brightproject commented 8 months ago

Thanks @ricardodeazambuja for the useful code. My ports setup UART2_MSP I run the example code, the result is like this

Press 'q' to quit, 'r' to reboot, 'm' to change mode, 'a' to arm, 'd' to disarm and arrow keys to control

ARMED: False                                      armingDisableFlags: ['RXLOSS', 'ANGLE', 'MSP']
cpuload: 31                                       cycleTime: 249
mode: 0                                           Flight Mode: []
Battery Voltage: 0.01V  VOLTAGE TOO HIGH
Motor Values: [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0]
RC Channels Values: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
GUI cycleTime: 18.98ms (average 74.16Hz)

apiVersion: 1.45.0                                flightControllerIdentifier: BTFL
flightControllerVersion: 4.4.3                    boardIdentifier: S411
boardName: JHEF411                                name:

ARMED_false If I select the ARM/DISARM command, it’s as if the command is not being sent, and I have questions in the RX input of my flight controller.

Sending Arm command...
ARMED: False


Sending Disarm command...
ARMED: False

Armed never changes, as if the command does not reach the flight's microcontroller. But when I select the REBOOT command, the pilot reboots. I don’t yet have enough knowledge in betaflight firmware, as far as I understand, the ARM flag appears in three cases: _1. When there is no connection with the receiver(pult)

  1. When the accelerometer sensor does not show the horizon, it is not calibrated/aligned
  2. There is no connection via the MSP protocol_ I don't have a pult/control panel, ESC board, battery or motors. How is it possible to put into operation a “naked” flight controller without peripherals?
ricardodeazambuja commented 8 months ago


I'm sorry, but I haven't used Betaflight for a long time (I switched to iNAV). The reason you can't arm seems to be that you have some armingDisableFlags showing up. ANGLE probably means your FC is not levelled (there's a max. angle that BF will accept to arm your drone, maybe 15degrees...). RXLOSS means you haven't set the RX properly, so BF is complaining it can't see the heartbeat from the RX. Finally, MSP probably means you can't arm your drone while using the USB port, unless you disable some safety flags (but, as the name suggests, this will make your drone unsafe). For a naked FC (no motors + propellers), you don't really care about the safety flags, therefore you can just disable them allowing the FC to arm from the USB. In the CLI (unless they changed it in the newest versions), you should use feature RX_MSP to enable the RX as MSP.

Last time I used BF it was version 4.0.0, so they may have changed a lot of stuff compared to 4.4.3.

Here are some links that I hope they will help you:

brightproject commented 8 months ago

Thanks @ricardodeazambuja for the links, especially for the CLI commands. I understand more about the code, and then about the configurator and WIKI. Unfortunately, I still can’t figure out how to start recording on a black box, which is written to the memory built into the board from a flight controller, without a control panel, ESC and motors.

ricardodeazambuja commented 8 months ago

To record to the blackbox you may have two options: enable the FC to arm (after properly setting the blackbox using the betaflight-configurator) or by setting one "switch" that will start the recording (again, you need to use the configurator for that). BTW, the ARM command in the SimpleUI is expecting that you set the arm to the correct switch because the order of the values you send to the drone will take the switches into consideration.

brightproject commented 8 months ago

That is, without a physical switch, is it difficult to disarm the flight controller? Is it better to solder a toggle switch to the FC board and disarm it?

ricardodeazambuja commented 8 months ago

It's not a physical switch, it's just software, but you need to enable the switch using betaflight-configurator. The RC command is typically AERT (roll, pitch, yaw, throttle) + the "switches" (called channel or aux).