thecooltechguy / ComfyUI-MagicAnimate

Easily use MagicAnimate within ComfyUI
201 stars 18 forks source link

OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer #5

Open DorotaLuna opened 7 months ago

DorotaLuna commented 7 months ago

Using the example workflow, select model -> upload reference image -> upload pose video -> click queue prompt -> when excuting "Magic Animate" node, it boomed

System Win11 with Python 3.10.9

Tried reinstall requirements, upload another image, change some input value, didnt work

got prompt control shape: (25, 512, 512, 3) ERROR:root:!!! Exception during processing !!! ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\", line 153, in recursive_execute output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all) File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\", line 83, in get_output_data return_values = map_node_over_list(obj, input_data_all, obj.FUNCTION, allow_interrupt=True) File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\", line 76, in map_node_over_list results.append(getattr(obj, func)(*slice_dict(input_data_all, i))) File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-MagicAnimate\", line 254, in generate sample = pipeline( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 115, in decorate_context return func(args, kwargs) File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-MagicAnimate\libs\magicanimate\pipelines\", line 591, in call text_embeddings = self._encode_prompt( File "C:\AI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-MagicAnimate\libs\magicanimate\pipelines\", line 189, in _encode_prompt text_inputs = self.tokenizer( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 2790, in call encodings = self._call_one(text=text, text_pair=text_pair, all_kwargs) File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 2876, in _call_one return self.batch_encode_plus( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 3067, in batch_encode_plus return self._batch_encode_plus( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 807, in _batch_encode_plus batch_outputs = self._batch_prepare_for_model( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 879, in _batch_prepare_for_model batch_outputs = self.pad( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 3274, in pad outputs = self._pad( File "C:\AI\python_embeded\lib\site-packages\transformers\", line 3638, in _pad encoded_inputs["attention_mask"] = encoded_inputs["attention_mask"] + [0] * difference OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer

Prompt executed in 0.25 seconds

AnkilP commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing the same issue but with rgthree

May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:   File "/home/user/ComfyUI/", line 385, in <lambda>
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:     to_execute = sorted(list(map(lambda a: (len(recursive_will_execute(prompt, self.outputs, a[-1], memo)), a[-1]), to_execute)))
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:   File "/home/user/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/rgthree-comfy/", line 242, in rgthree_recursive_will_execute
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:     will_execute_value = execution.recursive_will_execute(prompt, outputs, input_unique_id,
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:   File "/home/user/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/rgthree-comfy/", line 246, in rgthree_recursive_will_execute
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:     will_execute.add(len(will_execute_value))
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]:                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
May 29 05:14:46 f23eda6b-fab6-482b-8c4a-80057980004c python3[6007]: OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer
AnkilP commented 1 month ago

@DorotaLuna - how did you fix this?

DorotaLuna commented 1 month ago

@DorotaLuna - how did you fix this?

aint fix it, i just dont use it anymore, use animateanyone or musepose