thecuriousteam / PyLibLog

"Teaching and sharing information about Python libraries through blog posts. These blogs include explanations, definitions, examples, and what happens when you use them."
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Add more content to the side bar , also include subtopics #146

Open ayush-agarwal-190 opened 8 months ago

killerkc12 commented 8 months ago

@ayush-agarwal-190 I would like to work on this.

ayush-agarwal-190 commented 8 months ago

ok, You can start working on it.

killerkc12 commented 8 months ago

@ayush-agarwal-190 Could you please confirm the below topic with the subtopic first?

  1. Arrow

    • Subtopics: Date and time handling, datetime manipulation
  2. GeoPandas

    • Subtopics: Geographic data analysis, geospatial data manipulation
  3. Matplotlib

    • Subtopics: Data visualization, 2D plotting
  4. Seaborn

    • Subtopics: Statistical data visualization
  5. Scikit-Learn

    • Subtopics: Machine learning, data mining, data analysis
  6. TensorFlow

    • Subtopics: Deep learning, machine learning, neural networks
  7. Keras

    • Subtopics: Deep learning, neural networks, high-level API for TensorFlow
  8. PyTorch

    • Subtopics: Deep learning, neural networks, dynamic neural networks
  9. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)

    • Subtopics: Natural language processing (NLP), text mining
  10. Spacy

    • Subtopics: NLP, text processing, tokenization, named entity recognition
  11. Beautiful Soup

    • Subtopics: Web scraping, HTML parsing
  12. Scrapy

    • Subtopics: Web scraping, web crawling
  13. Django

    • Subtopics: Web development, web frameworks
  14. Flask

    • Subtopics: Web development, micro web frameworks
  15. SQLAlchemy

    • Subtopics: Database interaction, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  16. Requests

    • Subtopics: HTTP requests, web APIs
  17. Pillow (PIL)

    • Subtopics: Image processing, image manipulation
  18. OpenCV

    • Subtopics: Computer vision, image processing
  19. NetworkX

    • Subtopics: Network analysis, graph theory
  20. Scipy

    • Subtopics: Scientific computing, optimization, signal processing
  21. SymPy

    • Subtopics: Symbolic mathematics, computer algebra system
  22. Pygame

    • Subtopics: Game development, multimedia
  23. Plotly

    • Subtopics: Interactive data visualization, charts, graphs
  24. Flask-RESTful

    • Subtopics: RESTful API development with Flask
  25. PyQT

    • Subtopics: Desktop application development, GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  26. Cython

    • Subtopics: C and Python integration, performance optimization
  27. Gevent

    • Subtopics: Asynchronous networking, coroutines
  28. Twisted

    • Subtopics: Asynchronous networking, event-driven programming
ayush-agarwal-190 commented 8 months ago

ok , you can move forward with this .

killerkc12 commented 8 months ago

@ayush-agarwal-190 Please Review the attached PR.