thedemonsid / blog-website

Me and my friend @Vdcds wanted a personal blog website and this is it.
2 stars 1 forks source link

Final Touch-ups and Enhancements #16

Closed Vdcds closed 1 month ago

Vdcds commented 1 month ago
  1. Alignment Adjustments: Refined the alignment of various elements for a cleaner, more professional appearance.
  2. Carousel Addition: Implemented a carousel featuring links to highlight key content and improve navigation.
  3. Font Tweaks: Updated fonts for better readability and visual appeal.
  4. Responsiveness: Enhanced the responsiveness of custom markups to ensure a seamless experience across different devices.
  5. Miscellaneous Enhancements: Various minor tweaks and improvements to polish the overall user interface and user experience.

These updates collectively aim to elevate the website's aesthetics and usability. @thedemonsid see this