thedevdojo / voyager-themes

Theme Hook for Voyager
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Website crash on theme options #14

Closed durancu closed 6 years ago

durancu commented 6 years ago

Once I installed and enabled theme, I tried to change options but website crashes with this error:

Constant ACTIVE_THEME_FOLDER already defined (View: \/var\/app\/current\/vendor\/voyager-themes\/resources\/views\/options.blade.php

Can be fixed replacing line 58, in voyager-themes/resources/views/options.blade.php with:

<?php if (!defined("ACTIVE_THEME_FOLDER")) define("ACTIVE_THEME_FOLDER", $theme->folder); ?>

michaelbelow43 commented 5 years ago

I want to know that why is the WordPress syntax error happening by installing voyager theme? proxy site