thedevdojo / voyager

Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
MIT License
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Voyager Translations UI #1364

Open akazorg opened 7 years ago

akazorg commented 7 years ago

Voyager Translations are available on master branch.

For submitting your translations, please use the english translation as a start.

How to use


Currently Translated

Ping Voyagers... @marktopper @tnylea @emptynick @gnovaro @abdgad @fletch3555 @mbdwey @AdrianKuriata @Steve-sy @v01061374 @CrazyFreeMan @Omazon @AngeloMerlo @kristiandrucker @mr0bles @jehanf @lucacalcaterra @aak74.


victorpierredev commented 7 years ago

I'm on it...

AdrianKuriata commented 7 years ago

Sure, i will do polish translation.

IProSoft commented 7 years ago

Thanks for great work!

Missed word in browse.blade.php : @section('page_title','All '.$dataType->display_name_plural)

Next problem: Translation showing_entries should be '[0]No entries|[1,*]Showing :from to :to of :all entries' and browse.blade.php line 123: {{ trans_choice('voyager.generic.showing_entries', $dataTypeContent->total(), ['from' => $dataTypeContent->firstItem(), 'to' => $dataTypeContent->lastItem(), 'all' => $dataTypeContent->total()]) }}

mr0bles commented 7 years ago

working in spanish translation

akazorg commented 7 years ago

@IProSoft thanks, will update that!

AdrianKuriata commented 7 years ago

DataTables has a language files from their page.

akazorg commented 7 years ago

Hi @AdrianKuriata, I've merged their translations.

AdrianKuriata commented 7 years ago

Hi @akazorg. Did you copy translation for buttons? I mean text for copy button after copied to clipboard?

akazorg commented 7 years ago

I have no idea, can you please check that on Voyager EN lang file?

AdrianKuriata commented 7 years ago

I mean about this Check Copy clipbooard language. This is not exists in voyager language file. When you get in on link, which i add and you click on copy you will see modal with information about success copied to clipboard etc.

AdrianKuriata commented 7 years ago

@akazorg Sorry, my bad i forgot we don't let users export data! Forget about what I talking!

jehanf commented 7 years ago

I'm on the French translation

AngeloMerlo commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the new feature @akazorg ! I am working on a project and in two weeks I finish and I will work on the translation into Portuguese (Brazil).

akazorg commented 7 years ago

Hi @AngeloMerlo Portuguese (BR) translations are ready to use. @vpakg already took care of that. Happy codding!

mhemrg commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm on the Persian (Farsi - فارسی) translation.

azatTemirbek commented 6 years ago

might be good idea to publish tutorial on translate integration and give option in settings or smthing like that

victorpierredev commented 6 years ago

@e178551 what do you mean?

azatTemirbek commented 6 years ago

im new to voyager and i couldn't change interface lang. can you make step by step tut on it. also i could not finf any resources on yutube

akazorg commented 6 years ago

Hi @e178551, for enabling a different language on the Voyager UI, you will have to define the locale at config/app.php (it uses the default Laravel translations system).

If you are looking for a "language selector", that is not available at the moment, the admin/developer will have to define which language to use.

I hope this is clear for you. Happy coding. [edited]

cotiga commented 6 years ago

akazorg, You mean: config/app.php tks

akazorg commented 6 years ago

Indeed @COTIGA. Thanks I've edited my comment.

vitorbrussi commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am new not Voyager, not understood how to translate to pt_br. They could pass me one step at a time. Thank you.

MujtabaFR commented 6 years ago

I've just submitted the Arabic translation files as a pull request. But I noticed that Dimmers in dashboard has some issues with Arabic language as shown in this picture


Also I hope that the RTL feature can be completed soon :)

akazorg commented 6 years ago

@vitorbrussi just enter the default locale at config/app.php.

@MujtabaFR thanks for the PR, I've commented it. I'm not sure what is happening with Dimmers, we should check that. If you find a solution please let us know.

Enyelber commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have changed the language in the config / app.php locate = es, And copy the translation files to the recourse / lang folder But does not change the language

marktopper commented 6 years ago

@Enyelber What version of Voyager are you using?

Enyelber commented 6 years ago

this v0.11.14

vitormicillo commented 6 years ago

Italy language its me @marktopper @tnylea @akazorg

marktopper commented 6 years ago

Added you to the list @vitormicillo

andrewo0 commented 6 years ago

I'm going to do Dutch Translation @marktopper

marktopper commented 6 years ago

Great @andrewo0! 💪

NicolaeCasir commented 6 years ago

I will try to do romanian..)

CrazyFreeMan commented 6 years ago

Ukrainian from me

khalilst commented 6 years ago

@mhemrg Did you finish the Farsi translation? I could help you.

mhemrg commented 6 years ago

@khalilst Sounds great! Just make a PR:

skalero01 commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone, just some questions.

1 - I am seeing that the language files doesnt affect the menu title, it is? is there a way we could do the menu title use the lang files?

2 - I think that its a good idea if we include the default auth.php, pagination.php, passwords.php, validation.php translated to have all languages translated by default. We can base it on the caouecs/laravel-lang package. What do you think about this idea?

3- Do you think it is necesary to publish the lang files by automatic?, in my case i prefer that the lang files for voyager keep on the package to avoid repetition of files and have all translations updated.

I could help doing this without any problem.

Mareddie commented 6 years ago

Hello there, I will try to make Czech translation.

handiwijoyo commented 6 years ago

Close this since we merged this feature. Please open new issue if you have something to discuss about.

akazorg commented 6 years ago

Let's leave this open @handiwijoyo. It's not an issue, it more of a docs section for helping users.

We should move this to documentation, fell free to update it if you want.

fliot commented 6 years ago

Hi, Is there some graphical Language switch somewhere ? (to allow the user to select his displayed language buttons/bread/etc...) Is it supposed to be on Profile or Login page ? If not, does somebody have used some additionnal laravel package to match this need ? Thanks by advance.

igorjacauna commented 6 years ago

I configurate the locale in config/app.php and copy/paste from vendor\tcg\voyager\publishable\lang\ into resources\lang\. But not works. Using Voyager version 1.1

emptynick commented 6 years ago

@fliot Yes, in v1.1 upwards theres a language-switch in your profile. @igorjacauna If you want to override language-files thats the wrong location.

igorjacauna commented 6 years ago

@emptynick , I just follow the instructions on begin of this issue. How can I override the language?

igorchernenko92 commented 6 years ago

have the same problem, follow the instructions but language does not work SOLVE: need to set user locale from admin page. Set locale in config not enough

4mon commented 6 years ago

same problem. :(

sandrobocon commented 6 years ago

Please update at "How to use" Instead of informing:

publish langs, or just copy/paste from vendor\tcg\voyager\publishable\lang\ into resources\lang\

Update to:

publish langs, or just copy/paste from vendor\tcg\voyager\publishable\lang\ into resources\lang\vendor\voyager\ as described in the Laravel docs

I took a long time to figure out it, I hope it helps others too.

yakuter commented 5 years ago

Voyager is fully translated to Turkish language by me @yakuter

binsoktheara commented 5 years ago

Good morning all guide. I use voyager version 1.1 and i want to use multiple languages but on the menu cannot show the languages when i change languages. can every one help me?

kelvinkhai commented 5 years ago

@binsoktheara you can translate it yourself on the menu builder.

binsoktheara commented 5 years ago

@kelvinkhai I translate already but the problem is it can not show on the master page when i change languages.