Open newbie78 opened 4 years ago
Do you have a full stacktrace for this? The error alone doesn't provide enough information to track this down
Do you have a full stacktrace for this? The error alone doesn't provide enough information to track this down
In context, the error makes sense. This url isn't valid: http://radio.test/admin/menus/1/item?%2Fadmin%2Fmenus%2F1%2Fitem=
What did you click to get there?
I noticed that when I click on Add button, popup is closed and url changes. then i got this error.
is there any news?
i found where is the problem.
public function add_item(Request $request)
$menu = Voyager::model('Menu');
$this->authorize('add', $menu);
$data = $this->prepareParameters(
// $request->all()
public function update_item(Request $request)
$id = $request->input('id');
$data = $this->prepareParameters(
// $request->request->except(['id'])
if you change VoyagerMenuController.php in that two places, then menu builder worked fine.
is PR from me needed?
4145 Version information
when create/update menu item
Steps To Reproduce