thedevdojo / voyager

Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
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Side menu is not showing #5756

Open arvindersingh77 opened 1 year ago

arvindersingh77 commented 1 year ago

Laravel version


PHP version


Voyager version





Side menu is not showing when I move project to the https

In console this issue is showing

Content Security Policy of your site blocks the use of 'eval' in JavaScript` The Content Security Policy (CSP) prevents the evaluation of arbitrary strings as JavaScript to make it more difficult for an attacker to inject unathorized code on your site. To solve this issue, avoid using eval(), new Function(), setTimeout([string], ...) and setInterval([string], ...) for evaluating strings. If you absolutely must: you can enable string evaluation by adding unsafe-eval as an allowed source in a script-src directive. ⚠️ Allowing string evaluation comes at the risk of inline script injection.

return new Function(e) line no 5327 formatted

Steps to reproduce

I have just install the voyager and move to the https server

Expected behavior

Side Menu should be show



Additional context

No response

arvindersingh77 commented 1 year ago

Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at eval (“default-src”).

fletch3555 commented 1 year ago

This is an issue with your configuration, not Voyager. Here are some questions to help guide toward the right solution:

Are you accessing the page via localhost or an actual domain?

What's the exact error shown?

Are there any errors entries in the network tab of your browser devtools? Assuming yes since what you shared said something was blocked.

If the page was over HTTPS, was the blocked resource also loading over HTTPS?