thedevsaddam / gojsonq

A simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data
MIT License
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How to get the queried data to user defined custom type? #29

Closed thedevsaddam closed 5 years ago

thedevsaddam commented 5 years ago

How can I get the output data to a custom struct like:

Input document:

      "name":"MacBook Pro 13 inch retina",
      "name":"MacBook Pro 15 inch retina",


type item struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Price int    `json:"price"`

func main() {
    v := item{}
    output := gojsonq.New().File("./data.json").From("items.[0]").Get()
        // how to assign the output value to v

What I want:

package main

import (

type item struct {
    ID    int     `json:"id"`
    Name  string  `json:"name"`
    Price float64 `json:"price"`

func main() {
    v := item{}
    jq := gojsonq.New().File("./data.json").From("items.[0]")
    if jq.Error() != nil {

// Output:
// (main.item) {
//  ID: (int) 1,
//  Name: (string) (len=26) "MacBook Pro 13 inch retina",
//  Price: (float64) 1350
// }
thedevsaddam commented 5 years ago

Available from Version: v1.9.0