thedigicraft / Atom.CMS

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Debug-Console #222

Open Bronx-Cowboy opened 7 years ago

Bronx-Cowboy commented 7 years ago

atomCMS vid #17 will not hide console-debug.... please Help. I'm using xampp and eclipse-helios in win10 Everything works perfect thru vid #16 I even used your source does not wish to work in any browser! I am now up to vid#22. I have commented out the code Temporarily. navigation.php.txt index.php.txt setup.php.txt

data.php.txt Please help

Chriswilldo commented 7 years ago

Lol I feel you man I was rage quitting so hard at that part!!!! I'll try to help you, one sec. In the meantime, if you read this faster than I do, read about how I got mine to hide.

Chriswilldo commented 7 years ago

Here's I did. Make sure you backtrack your code so that it matches video 17's or else you might experience code bugs. Second, try wrapping your debug in a div and h4 tag like so. Again not sure why it works like that for me, but it did.


This is what allows the button to open and close as you already know, but just to show you here's mine. I changed the names of debug console and debug cuz I wanted to see if it'd still work for consistency.

`2. $(document).ready(function() {





}); `

Also your navigation.php is confusing af... I didn't proofread it fully yet, but why do you have that aria hidden thing in there. Just look at mine and edit it so it looks like mine, unless if yours works. It seems like you tried hiding the button within the navabar code itself. I'm no expert, but that's what it looks like to me.. Also take out that php that holds if debug == 1. Unless if you want to keep if for reference..

I went ahead and edited your nav.php for you. So try this and see if it works..


The 1,2,3 is only there to show which order to follow steps. Don't add those numbers in your code. or those italicsat the beginning and end of step 2.