thedigicraft / Atom.CMS

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Local to Live - DB and site exported and uploaded #45

Closed dbashby closed 10 years ago

dbashby commented 10 years ago

I have completed up to video 103, everything works as in your demos locally, however I upload to domain and get Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/daictcou/public_html/admin/index.php:2) in /home/daictcou/public_html/admin/template/header.php on line 3 I have changed the connection details etc I also do not have any pages displaying on the admin side

The answer to this is no doubt simple but I cannot work out what ?

dbashby commented 10 years ago

I managed to locate the issue. On the admin/index.php there was a blank line for line 1 then line 2 had the opening <?php tag. I removed the blank line and hey presto it worked.