thednp / bootstrap.native

Bootstrap components build with Typescript
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Please add new toasts supports #260

Closed nanixne closed 5 years ago

nanixne commented 5 years ago

Recent bootstrap has new component toasts added and need us to initialize it. Could you add native support to it?

thednp commented 5 years ago

If you could link me to the page of their demo, that would be great.

thednp commented 5 years ago

I believe this isn't supported in the original plugins, so we won't implement it.

nanixne commented 5 years ago

could you let me know how do you tell it original plugins or not? @thednp

thednp commented 5 years ago

We will analyze it and have it working in the following days or week. Seems a simple straight forward component. Thanks for the heads up.

thednp commented 5 years ago

I will reopen this and leave it this issue untouched until we have the original component closer to RC because I think it seems a bit unpolished.

thednp commented 5 years ago

OK @nanixne please download latest master and give it a test. Some considerations:


Using Methods


Please try and provide feedback.

thednp commented 5 years ago

@nanixne I'm still waiting for your approval on the new component functionality and features.

roymilder commented 5 years ago

hi @thednp

first of all thanks for your efforts on this library. i'm testing your toast plugin by implementing it as an angular component.

I have it working, so that looks promising. I will keep you posted on my progress, I'm going to spend the coming hours on this item, so you may expect some feedback.

I'm getting the following error message:

TypeError: globalObject[getComputedStyle] is not a function

caused by: node_modules/bootstrap.native/dist/bootstrap-native-v4.js#222

I'm probably forgetting to do something with transitionDuration, however the bootstrap docs are not mentioning this as a valid toast option.

If I manually set supportTransitions to false, everything works as expected and I can trigger a new toast by using the .show() method.

thednp commented 5 years ago

@roymilder I cannot confirm the issue, perhaps you have a test site? I've done a one hour translation of the original plugin into native JavaScript, did some tests and everything seem to work fine.

roymilder commented 5 years ago

@thednp it should be self explaining :)

thednp commented 5 years ago

Nop I'm not familiar with that Angular stuff ;)

roymilder commented 5 years ago

Lol :) just clone the repo, run npm serve browse to localhost:4200 you will see a test site with one button: hit it and you will see an error in your console.log

TypeError: globalObject[getComputedStyle] is not a function

this error relates to bootstrap-native-v4.js:218

      var duration = supportTransitions ? globalObject[getComputedStyle](element)[transitionDuration] : 0;

if you manually set

supportTransitions = false;

in bootstrap-native-v4.js

everything works well

Ah, and to explain what the button does:

    this._toast = new bsn.Toast(this.toast.nativeElement.querySelector('[data-dismiss="toast"]'), this._options);;

with this._options being:

  private _options = {
    animation: true,
    autohide: false,
    delay: 3000
roymilder commented 5 years ago

after digging in the code; perhaps it has something to do with the angular way of selecting the element. I'll try a few things tomorrow and will let you know.

besides this one thing i have the toast component running within an angular component and it is working perfect so far.

so, thanks..

thednp commented 5 years ago

Alright @roymilder sorry I can't help much with Angular stuff :|

thednp commented 5 years ago

Any update on this guys? @roymilder & @nanixne

roymilder commented 5 years ago

@thednp haven't figured out the weird bug regarding the supportTransitions setting yet. However I did test the toast support and it works fine! haven't found any other bug so far.

thednp commented 5 years ago

@thednp haven't figured out the weird bug regarding the supportTransitions setting yet. However I did test the toast support and it works fine! haven't found any other bug so far.

Probably because there is no browser/mock-up browser in place?

nanixne commented 5 years ago

@thednp I tested on angular 7, it works! super duper!, I think for normal html page it should work too.

  1. I tested animation, autohide and delay all three options work!
  2. method show and hide work! I did not test dispose, but I think it will work as expected!

you are super! Thanks, I am ready for new release!

nanixne commented 5 years ago

@roymilder I took look at your code; it missed initialization part. new Toast(element, options) should be called some where before it is invoked.

roymilder commented 5 years ago

@roymilder I took look at your code; it missed initialization part. new Toast(element, options) should be called some where before it is invoked.

Thanks for the feedback @nanixne, however, the initialization is on line 34 of toast.component.ts. The toast is working, just the transition is failing.

thednp commented 5 years ago

So @roymilder perhaps your CSS3 isn't right? I haven't checked but since our component uses transitionEnd to mark the end of transitions, might explain and hopefully lead to a solution in your app.

roymilder commented 5 years ago

my import handling was wrong: after adding the library to my typings.d.ts and calling Toast like this: new (\<any>window).Toast(this.toast.nativeElement, this._options);

globalObject was correctly set and everything works fine.

Haven't found any bugs related to the Toast. So, thanks!

thednp commented 5 years ago

That's great, I think we can close this as solved, we implemented the component and was tested in a "real world" environment, other issues will take new threads.


shamseen commented 5 years ago

@roymilder hi, sorry i'm resurrecting this old issue but i'd like to know how you implemented bootstrap native in angular? i'm a complete newbie to angular 7 and cannot for the life of me figure it out. are you somehow importing the node module into app.component?

roymilder commented 5 years ago

@roymilder hi, sorry i'm resurrecting this old issue but i'd like to know how you implemented bootstrap native in angular? i'm a complete newbie to angular 7 and cannot for the life of me figure it out. are you somehow importing the node module into app.component?

Sure, not 100% sure that my way is the most correct way. But it works.

in src/typings.d.ts


declare module 'bootstrap.native/dist/bootstrap-native-v4';

in angular.json add:

"build": {
          "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
          "options": {
            "outputPath": "dist/browser",
            "index": "src/index.html",
            "main": "src/main.ts",
            "tsConfig": "src/",
            "polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
            "assets": [
            "styles": [
            **"scripts": [

So after including the library in your angular app, you should create a component that handles the element from your template file:


<div class="toast" **#toast** role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true">
  <div class="toast-body p-3">

toast content

toast exposes it to the component:

  selector: 'app-toast',
  templateUrl: './toast.component.html',
export class ToastComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {
  **@ViewChild('toast', {read: ElementRef}) toast: ElementRef;** <== here you have the element in your component
  @Input() data: ToastMessage;
  @Output() closed = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

  public _toast: any;
  private timer: any;
  private delay = 3000; // delay
  private _options = {
    animation: true

  constructor() {

  ngOnInit() {

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    **this._toast = new (<any>window).Toast(this.toast.nativeElement, this._options);** <= make a toast of it!

    switch ( {
      case 'error':
      case 'warning':
        this.delay = 0;

  ngOnDestroy() {

  show(delay: number) {;

    if (this.timer) {

    if (delay) {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
      }, delay);

  close() {


Hope this is helpful!

Lucas-Palomo commented 4 years ago

I had this problem to open modal, but I fixed it following the instructions of @roymilder .

I declared the bootstrap.native in angular.json and just putting the code below in the click action:

const modal = document.getElementById('myModal');
const modalInstance = new  (<any>window).Modal(modal);

and It works! Thank you all involved in this issue.