thedocruby / resounding

A New Minecraft mod that provides realistic audio physics using parallel wave tracing and an improved physics algorithm.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Short Reverbs make sounds too loud #41

Closed YurgenSchn closed 2 years ago

YurgenSchn commented 2 years ago

I think that reverbs beign added on top of source sounds in small spaces actually makes the combined sound distinctively loud. Definitely noticeable in small caves, the old gen ones. I don't feel like it's as intrusive of a problem in big spaces.

If lowering the source-sound volume is possible, maybe lowering it for short (intense) reverbs could do the trick.

thedocruby commented 2 years ago

This is a good idea, and definitely a possibility! Thanks for your feedback! :)

YurgenSchn commented 2 years ago

By trying the Milestone Alpha v2 (bc.6), i got to test this it without reverbs and absorption.

Basically, i set reverb volume to 0.0, the reverb and absorption brightness to 20.0 (currently, it doesnt make it brighter, but removes any muffling), and also set to 0.0 the air/humidity absorption settings.

In places where there would be reverb, short or long ones, the source sound was noticeably louder than in places where it was absorbed (like in a small wool chamber). Maybe it's not the source sound itself being louder, but the addition/composition of the "reverb-and-absorption-less source clone" (even if, weirdly, reverb volume is set to 0).

I still believe the problem is the same, and i guess still can be treated as a future enhancement.

YurgenSchn commented 2 years ago

Actually, it seems to be related to issue #50, and how the airspace detection works: even without reverb and absorption effects, the wool chamber test still shows that by playing a jukebox at the opening of the wool chamber, it will be quieter inside, and quieter as i go in, further from the opening (as if it's beign played outside, in another envinronment)

At this point, i'd go as far as to say its not the reverb increasing volume of source sounds - as i mentioned before, the "composite sound" beign louder. I believe its completely related to the airspace detection/occlusion problem.