thedocruby / resounding

A New Minecraft mod that provides realistic audio physics using parallel wave tracing and an improved physics algorithm.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
85 stars 4 forks source link

significant stuttering and frame issues #89

Open sponnify opened 1 year ago

sponnify commented 1 year ago

getting significantly more stuttering but similar frames with using resounding compared to not in the overworld, especially when moving around. inside caves with live entities, that stuttering become unbearable, and frames are lost. for just an audio engine, anything but this should significantly decrease my clients performance, especially considering it is entirely an audio plugin and doesnt affect physical rendering at all. i did 4 tests, all of them after waiting 3+ minutes for chunks to load in (after teleporting) and many entities to spawn in order to push the plugin a bit. was constantly moving, jumping around and punching things as well. no mods were added in between these tests except for the removal of resounding. no programs or additional system strain was added to my system. the same locations were used. with the overworld, i always set it to midnight while waiting for chunks to load in.

test order:

My Machine:

Helios3991 commented 1 year ago

That's an issue when using Bobby, I've already reported it:

mikenrafter commented 1 year ago

Could you retry your tests using fewer mods? Perhaps just using:

- sodium+
- betterF3
- starlight
- bobby (and another without this one)
- entity-culling
- fabric-api
- resounding (and another without this one)

(3 tests, each in the same scenarios you demonstrated above (above, above -bobby, above -resounding, above -bobby -resounding)) Explicitly do not use farsight in addition to bobby... These are (iirc) incompatible/competing mods.

Eianex commented 1 year ago

Same happens with Sound Physics too and Resounding with Bobby. I still want to use Bobby because with farsight you need to re-visit the chunks every time.

Taleuxss commented 1 year ago

also experienced this, game runs without stutter after removing resounding O27xXaR77T