theelims / ESP32-sveltekit

A simple and extensible framework for ESP32 based IoT projects with a feature-rich, beautiful, and responsive front-end build with Sveltekit, Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI. This is a project template to get you started in no time with a fully integrated build chain.
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WebSerial Monitor. Not an Issue, only a contribution of a github newbie #28

Closed SolarDaniel closed 8 months ago

SolarDaniel commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I'm only a retired hobbyist and not (yet) familiar with github and don't know how to fork and contribute with pull requests. But maybe someone is interested in what I did and maybe it would be a nice extension to features.

WebSerialClass inherits from Arduino Print and can be used like Serial.print() and all other print functions. It opens a WebSocketClient and sends to clients instead to HwSerial.

On the UI side there's a