theengs / app

Theengs mobile application to read BLE sensors and push data to an MQTT broker
GNU General Public License v3.0
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macOS preferences text without Windows/Linux references #10

Closed DigiH closed 2 years ago

DigiH commented 2 years ago

Background updates explanation text to not reference Windows/Linux specific system tray


Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 17 20 53


Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 17 20 22

While this should still work fine with the original text on Windows/Linux, it might be good for one of you to quickly verify with


emericg commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure I understand, why remove the mention of the system tray in macOS? All desktop variants work the same way, when you enable background updates, the app will stay in the system tray.

DigiH commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure I understand, why remove the mention of the system tray in macOS? All desktop variants work the same way, when you enable background updates, the app will stay in the system tray.

I had to do a search to find out what a system tray is. Never heard the term before, but then again I'm a macOS person and all my Linux installations are GUI-less. So finding a foreign, very likely other OS specific, term in the prefernces is disconcerting, especially as I wouldn't have a clue as to where I'd find a system tray on macOS ;)

The way I undertstand it is that if the app is kept running on macOS, even if being completely HIDDEN or MINIMISED into the DOCK it will get regular sensor updates with the Update interval setting.

Using the above capitalised words on Windows or Linux would probably make as much sense there as system tray on macOS.

DigiH commented 2 years ago

Ah ok, now I think I understand what you mean, just launching the app again.

The equivalent on macOS would be "menu bar item" "menu extra", again which is present not matter if the app window is showing, the app is hidden or minimised in the Dock, so the wording could/should be amended, and the menu bar item menu option "Exit" changed to "Quit".

Is there an indicator coming up in the menu bar item when sensor data has been updated and the app window is not visible?

Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 20 59 27
1technophile commented 2 years ago

Is there an indicator coming up in the menu bar item when sensor data has been updated and the app window is not visible?

Is it the expected behavior for apps in MacOS?

DigiH commented 2 years ago

Is it the expected behavior for apps in MacOS?

In macOS a menu bar item/menu extra should only be

• An application which only runs there in the menu bar and doesn't have any other windows, menus etc. and gives information and functionality when clicking on it. For example this radio player

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 22 28 29


• an additional applet from within a full fledged macOS application, with the applet still constantly running when the main application has been Quit (Exited). An example would be WeatherPro, the menu extra is always there showing the actual temperature and small weather icon in the menu bar, clicking on it shows a short forecast and the current weather info for one selected city.

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 22 35 39

And when clicking inside the map then does the main application open showing the full window with all the details of the application, also with its menus etc, as any other normal application.

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 22 36 04

Quitting the weather application again still leaves the menu bar extra working, with updating the temperature and little cloud/sunshine/rain icon for an always easy quick info on the weather.

So the current behaviour of the Theengs app only showing a menu bar item when the interval update option is selected, but having to keep the application open for it to stay there does not give any added functionality, nor is this a behaviour any other application would have or a user would expect.

As you can see I have quite a few menu extras in my menu bar, network throughput, radio player etc., the majority of them being solely menu extra apps, only living and functioning there, and a few as add ons to larger proper application, like the weather one above.

For the Theengs app this would only be a benefit if the menu extra would stay there, even if the actual app was closed. Then showing when sensors have been updated or even a few of the actual favourite sensors when clicking on the Theengs menu bar item.

As it currently stands though, with no added, and from a macOS user expected functionality, I'm afraid I have to say that the Theengs menu bar item only takes up space in an already crowded the menu bar. Without any added functionality I would actually suggest for it not to appear, as the app will have to be left open for the regular updates anyway, and the main app can easily be completely HIDDEN or MINIMISED into the Dock on macOS.

I do not know if the Windows/Linux System Tray functions in the same way as I described above for macOS menu extras, with apps which solely live in the System Tray, or applets which are part of larger full applications, or if it actually has a different functionality.

But even if the functionality is the same, the term system tray has never ever been used or present in over three decades of MacOS, Mac OS X, OS X and macOS history. Which was the original simple, easy to fix 'make a platform specific build feel more polished and native' issue here.


DigiH commented 2 years ago

Actually, with WeatherPro also being available for Windows it might be an idea for you to try and see how it runs there, and if it has a similar functionality in the System Tray as its menu extra does on macOS

Sorry, think that was a dodgy link to some site which wants you to register to download a usually free app :( maybe this one, or whichever good serious Windows software download sites you know ;)

DigiH commented 2 years ago

And with going through all the menu bar item explanation I looked around a bit and found this

and on the App Store

Screenshot 2022-06-26 at 03 37 27

and this one

Screenshot 2022-06-26 at 03 57 23

Both total menu bar ONLY apps and nice additions to the GitHub web site, GitHub Desktop and the mobile app :)

From the bit I watched on YouTube about the Windows System Tray I think it could look similar to the casual macOS user, but I didn't see anything about System Tray ONLY running apps, or applet apps still being available and showing information if the actual related parent application has been closed.