theengs / app

Theengs mobile application to read BLE sensors and push data to an MQTT broker
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Qingping Air Monitor Lite UI issues #39

Open DigiH opened 2 years ago

DigiH commented 2 years ago

Having looked at the Qingping Air Monitor Lite UI a bit closer I thought that the stips next to the PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 values change colour, depending on the levels. So fanning smoke onto the sensor I got the CO2 strip to change colour nicely, along with the lung graphic.

For PM2.5 and PM10 the stips are always green, possibly as they have different scales to CO2, usually divided into six categories

AQI Category

which could nicely be cut down to the same three categories as CO2 has - green, orange, and red, with

PM2.5 <=60=green, <=120=orange, >120=red

PM10 <=100=green, <=350=orange, >350=red

The PM2.5 and PM10 values also do not need a decimal, as their value is braodcast as integers, the same as the CO2 value.


Also in the list view there is an extra wind icon appearing when the CO2 value is above green (1000 ppm?). This extra icon is then overlapping with the name.

I'm not sure this extra icon is needed, as the now totally orange CO2 scale is already a clear indicator.


Lastly - is there any reason why the units for PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 are behind the labels in the widget view, and not behind the actual values, as with all the other property displays, at least for all the other sensors I have? They should fit nicely after the values, especially when OM2.5 and PM10 are integer values. The unit ppm should also be lower case.

1technophile commented 2 years ago

I see several requests here:

Let's discuss about this when you have time @emericg

emericg commented 2 years ago

I've set the limits you suggested for the PM values, rounded them, removed the alarms in the widgets, and set ppm unit to lower case. But the unit is in the label because it's prettier :)

DigiH commented 2 years ago

But the unit is in the label because it's prettier :)

Why not put ºC and % up behind the labels as well and make the whole page pretty? :)

emericg commented 2 years ago

It's about visual balance, the first line width is bigger than the second line.