theengs / app

Theengs mobile application to read BLE sensors and push data to an MQTT broker
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Double zipped issue with macOS artifact download #5

Closed DigiH closed 2 years ago

DigiH commented 2 years ago

Probably a macOS only issue, and as I don't know how the apps will be distributed eventually or if this is an artifact distribution problem, but every time I click to download the macOS binary I get a double zipped file in the download


the same with various browsers.

This then unzipps into

which then needs to be unzipped again into the final Theengs app.

I tried changing the various related .zip options in

builds_desktop.yml and

but the only things which really changed something for me was changing name: ${{env.APPLICATION}}-${{env.VERSION}} to name: ${{env.APPLICATION}}-${{env.VERSION}}-macOS

which gave a single zip

download name in the browsers, but still resulted in having to be double unzipped ;)

Nothing more than a bit annoying at the moment, but might needs looking into for a wider user base.

BTW, the same thing happens when downloading the on macOS.

emericg commented 2 years ago

Yes it's just that GitHub CI zips everything...

The deploy scripts should produce ready to go files (so in this case a zip of the .app file, or an exe installer on windows) so they can be run everywhere (like our own desktops) and with predictable results. The file produced by the scripts can be uploaded to a custom url or sent to a store for instance, and that's not going to work if you let GitHub CI do the last step on it's own. What's done after that by GitHub CI or any other CI system is kind of unpredictable anyway, and trying to bypass their behavior is just a waste of time and efforts. CI systems come and goes, their settings and behavior changed over time, it's just constant maintenance anyway.

Also end users will never pick up builds from here, but should use the release page with manually uploaded and curated packages of the application.

DigiH commented 2 years ago
