theextremeprogrammer / Succinct

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Searching for attributed text crashes when the text does not exist #23

Closed theextremeprogrammer closed 5 years ago

theextremeprogrammer commented 5 years ago

There's a forced unwrapped optional when looking for the search string in an attributed string:

Therefore when a search string that doesn't exist in the attributed string is searched for, the function crashes.

Here's a test that re-creates this issue:

context("when the search string does not exist in the attributed string") {
    it("cannot find the string") {
        let redForegroundColor = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor :]
        let mutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedStringBuilder(withText: "Foreground and Background")
                range: NSRange(location: 0, length: 10)

        let attributedString = mutableAttributedString.copy() as! NSAttributedString
        expect(attributedString.containsExactString("Invalid", withAttributes: redForegroundColor)).to(beTrue())

Can you add this test and adjust the code to make it pass? Thanks!