thefex / Xamarin.Bindings.AdvancedRecyclerView

Xamarin Android binding library for:
Apache License 2.0
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Not linked #13

Closed kochev closed 4 years ago

kochev commented 4 years ago

error XALNK7000: Mono.Linker.MarkException: Error processing method: 'Java.Lang.Object MvvmCross.AdvancedRecyclerView.Adapters.MvxHeaderFooterWrapperAdapter::OnCreateFooterItemViewHolder(Android.Views.ViewGroup,System.Int32)' in assembly: 'MvvmCross.AdvancedRecyclerView.dll' ---> Mono.Cecil.ResolutionException: Failed to resolve System.Void MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V7.RecyclerView.MvxRecyclerViewHolder::set_Click(System.Windows.Input.ICommand)

catched when set "Link only SDK" version 1.15.4 MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V7.RecyclerView version 6.4.2

kochev commented 4 years ago

with MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V7.RecyclerView version 6.2.0 worked all right

thefex commented 4 years ago

I had update ready but I found out that versions that MvvmCross versions that are not compatibile with current AdvancedRecyclerView have nasty issue that makes it unusable anyway..

Basically - ItemClick action is registered twice with MvvmCross.RecyclerView update, therefore command will be executed twice.

Thus, I am not publishing update until it is get fixed. As Mvx (7.0) is migrating towards AndroidX - update for AdvancedRecyclerView with MvvmCross 7.0 will be available.