Closed Nikdm46 closed 2 years ago
As I investigated, click subscribing changed in MvxAdvancedRecyclerViewHolder(moved to OnAttachedToWindow). But OnAttachedToWindow method never invokes @thefex My suggestion is to add advancedRecyclerViewHolder.OnAttachedToWindow(); to MvxExpandableItemAdapter.OnBindChildViewHolder and MvxExpandableItemAdapter.OnBindGroupViewHolder. Could you please verify that?
Oh, found one workaround. You can subscribe to ChildItemBound and GroupItemBound and call OnAttachedToWindow public override void OnStart() { base.OnStart(); _recyclerView.ExpandableItemAdapter.ChildItemBound += ExpandableItemAdapterOnChildItemBound; }
public override void OnStop()
_recyclerView.ExpandableItemAdapter.ChildItemBound -= ExpandableItemAdapterOnChildItemBound;
private void ExpandableItemAdapterOnChildItemBound(MvxExpandableItemAdapterBoundedArgs obj)
Came across the same problem. ChildItemClick in ExpandableRecyclerView doesn't work for me since v1.16.1
@NeuronKarrde Thanks for the workaround. Is there a version planned where this issue will be resolved?
All Clicks don't work on v 1.16.2