thefinestsieve / HIP-Duel-Engine

It's a Duel Engine for HIP?
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Trial by combat #1

Open thefinestsieve opened 10 years ago

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

While this idea might be contingent on other—and possibly new—elements being added, such as plots, nevertheless it might be interesting to let folks request trial by combat rather than being sent straight to jail or some other punishment.

Presumably they would be matched against the realm's marshal or some other champion chosen by the ruler, but specific mechanics might depend on the the culture or religion in question. Obviously research would need to be done.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Or a prisoner in jail could request a trial by combat. Could even get complicated and have them be allowed to name a champion if they're particularly unskilled or unfit for combat. Would be pretty cool. It'd likely work into the tournament-style code (where you're watching two other characters duel), although the ruler himself could duel the prisoner directly if he wanted.

In that situation (already in prison), it'd be up to the ruler how it played out. What with waylit taking prisoners left and right, that's an awful lot of opportunities for duels, so this has a fair bit of play value to it.

GoT people (so, everyone but you, basically) would just get big kicks out of the trial by combat factor, esp. if naming a champion was possible. Last I checked (granted, a long time ago), GoT didn't even offer trial by combat. Now with the TV series having made a very big deal of a not one but 2 trial by combats where a champion was named (champions on each side in the more epic case), I'm sure they're itching to, though.

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

I do have some historical accuracy concerns, so I'd have to hit the books a bit before deciding who would have such an option and how often it might occur. (Also, for reference purposes, I haven't seen any tournament code where you're watching others duel in the NDE. There's just the usual "inform the liege that crap happened" events.)

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Well, EMF would love to build a grand tournament series wherein it was so rich with possible event chains it might kick-off in the interactive-immediate fashion and features (scoreboards, actually sorted in Paradox script somehow-- a problem that was previously technically impossible to solve to a T, rather than being fuzzily correct, but that I'm quite sure could solved now that variable arithmetic exists) that would kick the user's pants off. It might actually be fun to call tournaments practically as much as you could afford and NOT play the war-wait-war game for a second.

And it would definitely feature spectation. Simulated or rare for AI (don't want to waste the cycles, but some event chains could have side effects that might affect those around them, so those would be worthwhile), but multi-player support for spectation and/or competition (dunno how well the HDE works in MP for the actual competitors, but interactive-immediate stuff could work fine for the audience). Basically the HDE would just need to support sending notification events regarding what event just fired for the competitors out to N targeted (by opinion modifier) spectators. The code that sets up the tournament could take care of hooking-up the spectators. Anyway, if they can get a play-by-play stream, then condensed play-by-play spectation flavor can be written.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Note that the tournament bit is off-topic, but I took your line about it due to spectation and went from there. Back on-topic... :dart: