thefinestsieve / HIP-Duel-Engine

It's a Duel Engine for HIP?
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Duels during raids #4

Open thefinestsieve opened 10 years ago

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

Why just pillage when you can personally stab some peasants? These would probably be fairly rare.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Mostly because raiding is rare. And, also, yeah, peasants tend to run like fuck, not pull a sword and some light armor out of nowhere and start challenging a fucking Viking.

You could certainly have the barons or count of the raided province get involved though. Could make raids a little more dangerous for both sides.

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

I'm thinking there would be two possible fight options: One in which you fight local nobles who can defend themselves, and one in which you slaughter some hopeless peasant. This is in line with my impaler lifestyle duel concept where you're basically just slaughtering some helpless folk because cruelty is fun.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Cool. Slaughter is fun. Would work for Hordes' Invasion CB war triggering too. Fuck it, are you at a location that's the enemy's land? Slaughter a random peasant. To be perfectly realistic, there ought to be a similar (and general, whenever successfully winning siege) rape event, and it'd apply to pretty much the entire world's cultures, as one thing we actually all have in common from the history of warfare. But don't do that. Leave something so edgy and arguably against Paradox rules on my head if it ever happens.

I would represent it as third-person (never want to put the player, even if they can choose to hide her away instead or something, in a position where they can rape a peasant), wherein you saw the rape & pillage & plunder generally as random events upon winning a siege.

However, I like the idea of running into a peasant girl also running from some other direction and having have her scream "Please! No! My father will never marry me to a lord!" and you having the option to ignore her (event chain ends) or yell "Quick! I'm not one of them! Come with me, and you'll be safe." and actually hiding her in a nearby hut inside of a giant trunk that you break the lock off and have to lay her down on top of 3 giant swords laid out on a fine fabric lining (one of which you might just take for yourself, in a bit of hypocrisy) and manage to close the trunk shut before some other soldiers walk in, and you all head out together (event chain ends).

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

Frankly, I wouldn't condone or participate in creating such an event. I'm not against dealing with such material in principle, but in practice my feelings are that it's something which is common enough in real life (truly and depressingly and infuriatingly common, considering the number of my friends who've experienced it) and scarring enough to those who have gone through it that I wouldn't want to have such an event popping up for anyone who has been a victim in the past.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Yeah, the repetitive nature of events in CKII could make the RNG working on that event a catastrophe to taste, for the exact reasons you cite.

It's the kind of reality that's fine for a TV show (e.g., GoT) to make references to at length without offending people, but you're not forced to interact with that. Neither GoT, the TV show, or EMF are concerned about presenting something that's gritty and edgy but the true reality of warfare in that age. Indeed, both are interested in being edgy with realism on purpose.

But a TV show and an event which you actually to have click on, indeed a few times if you don't choose to exit immediately, all the while under the pretense (even though it's the Good Guy side of things) of such a topic, defeats the immersive RP purpose of the event by dissociating a significant enough fraction of players.