thefinestsieve / HIP-Duel-Engine

It's a Duel Engine for HIP?
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Replace mentoring events #6

Open thefinestsieve opened 10 years ago

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

The new versions should have roughly the same chance to fire, but instead of a lame event they should trigger a fully featured duel between guardian and ward. These duels would have their own special flavor where lessons are learned through practice and, occasionally, terrible accidents happen.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

You will need to rebalance the MTTHs of these events to be slanted much more heavily toward years 12-16 to get much play out of this. Otherwise, you need to disqualify a duel from happening if they're 10 years old. Something about beating up a 10 year old with even a hard wooden sword doesn't seem right (and I'm the guy who is into all the evil, nasty, tasteless, ruthless events and mechanics!).

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

Maybe, maybe not. I see no reason why practice fights wouldn't happen with younger kids. They're friendly duels after all. And I spent plenty of time wrestling and play fighting with my nephew when he was a lot younger than 10. Edit: Also, I think some of that issue could be alleviated by having gentler, friendlier duel flavor for younger kids and a slightly rougher set for older ones.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

Oh, for sure. I wasn't unaware that you were going to give extra-special flavor depending upon the age range.

zijistark commented 10 years ago

I also find it slightly implausible that I'd gain a personal combat trait advancement by somehow beating my uncle in a wrestling match. Instead, I'd personally probably focus on teaching lessons or siblings fighting for age < 10.

thefinestsieve commented 10 years ago

Again, I'm not so sure. Most of the reading I've done indicates that it wasn't uncommon for children to start training in the 6-8 year old range. And while it requires interpreting the warrior traits for children as their future potential rather than their immediate capability, I still think it works. Still, I'm not opposed to delaying the initial event a bit in exchange for lowering the MTTH on the subsequent events. But I might wait and see how it plays out in testing before I try it.