In trying to help the Satellite writer with his work, I discovered that the Pulp 2-to-3 migration steps are needed to be included as a Satellite ifdef statement in 2.5 as they were handled for upstream users slightly earlier.
Would you mind confirming the steps for me. I've looked at the test documentation and also the Katello 3.18 migration steps and want to add a ifdef with all the necessary parts for Satellite:
Hey @katello team, anyone reading
In trying to help the Satellite writer with his work, I discovered that the Pulp 2-to-3 migration steps are needed to be included as a Satellite ifdef statement in 2.5 as they were handled for upstream users slightly earlier.
Would you mind confirming the steps for me. I've looked at the test documentation and also the Katello 3.18 migration steps and want to add a ifdef with all the necessary parts for Satellite:
The 3.18 Katello guide has this:
foreman-maintain content migration-stats
foreman-maintain content prepare
foreman-maintain content switchover
I've looked at the notes from QE for testing the migration and they run like this:
satellite-installer --foreman-proxy-plugin-pulp-pulpcore-enabled true
satellite-maintain prep-6.10-upgrade
satellite-maintain content prepare
Then the QE notes use foreman-rake etc, which I assume is replaced with
foreman-maintain content switchover
Could you confirm the sequence for me please?