theforeman / hammer-cli-foreman-ssh

Adds Remote SSH support for Hammer Foreman CLI
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Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch with cert based host auth #10

Open thomas-merz opened 1 year ago

thomas-merz commented 1 year ago
/Users/Thomas.Merz/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.6/gems/net-ssh-multi-1.2.1/lib/net/ssh/multi/pending_connection.rb:29:in `replay_on': undefined method `open_channel' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
error connecting to Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch (fingerprint SHA256:xxxxx does not match for ",")

This has already been fixed in but hammer host ssh doesn't honor this fix from August 2021 because there has been no updated build since April 2015. So please check this out and give us a newer version on

thomas-merz commented 4 months ago

Hey @dgoetz , can you help to give us Foremen a newer hammer version that doesn't have this issue, so that one can use it anymore because it's broken with more and more hosts over time 😞

dgoetz commented 4 months ago

No, this needs a new gem release. @ofedoren seems to be the only still active Foreman developer who contributed here, so I hope he can do a gem release, then I will pick it up for packaging on all supported versions.

ekohl commented 4 months ago

@thomas-merz a new release of this gem won't solve it.

Stack trace wise it points to:

So somehow session is nil there. This could very well be a bug in net-ssh-multi, but it's hard to say. doesn't look maintained, so that could be a problem.

thomas-merz commented 4 months ago

Uh, yes, I can see my very old issue from 2022 over there 😞