theforeman / puppet-puppet

Puppet module for Puppet client and server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Solaris 10 works #293

Closed oneingan closed 8 years ago

oneingan commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm using your module in Solaris 10 and works as expected if you specify package and service names:

My conf:

class {'puppet': listen => false, runinterval => '3600', runmode => 'cron', service_name => 'svc:/network/cswpuppetd:default', client_package => 'CSWpuppet3', cron_cmd => '/usr/bin/env /opt/csw/bin/puppet agent --config /etc/puppet/puppet.conf --onetime --no-daemonize', show_diff => true, }

ekohl commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the information! Do you know if it can run as a service as opposed to cron or isn't that supported? It would also be helpful to have a set of (anonymized) facts since I have close to 0 knowledge of Solaris. I do notice that rspec-puppet-facts has Solaris 11 facts so maybe we can just test for Solaris and treat 10 and 11 the same.

oneingan commented 9 years ago

Yes manage service also works because rely in native service type.

Solaris 10 facter ouput:

architecture => i86pc augeasversion => 1.3.0 bios_release_date => 04/02/2004 bios_vendor => Intel Corp. bios_version => domain => facterversion => 2.4.1 fqdn => gid => root hardwareisa => i386 hardwaremodel => i86pc hostname => id => root interfaces => lo0,iprb0 ipaddress => ipaddress_iprb0 => ipaddress_lo0 => is_virtual => false kernel => SunOS kernelmajversion => Generic_147148-26 kernelrelease => 5.10 kernelversion => Generic_147148-26 macaddress => 00:13:20:3c:6e:ab macaddress_iprb0 => 00:13:20:3c:6e:ab manufacturer => memoryfree => 256.46 MB memoryfree_mb => 256.46 memorysize => 511.00 MB memorysize_mb => 511.00 mtu_iprb0 => 1500 mtu_lo0 => 8232 netmask => netmask_iprb0 => netmask_lo0 => network_iprb0 => network_lo0 => operatingsystem => Solaris operatingsystemmajrelease => 10 operatingsystemrelease => 10_u11 os => {"name"=>"Solaris", "family"=>"Solaris", "release"=>{"major"=>"10", "full"=>"10_u11"}} osfamily => Solaris path => /opt/csw/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin physicalprocessorcount => 1 processor0 => Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 CPU 3.00GHz processor1 => Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 CPU 3.00GHz processorcount => 2 processors => {"models"=>["Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 CPU 3.00GHz", "Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 CPU 3.00GHz"], "count"=>2, "physicalcount"=>1} productname => ps => ps -ef puppetversion => 3.7.4 rubyplatform => i386-solaris2.10 rubysitedir => /opt/csw/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0 rubyversion => 2.0.0 serialnumber => sshdsakey => sshfp_dsa => sshfp_rsa => sshrsakey => swapfree => 2.00 GB swapfree_mb => 2047.99 swapsize => 2.00 GB swapsize_mb => 2047.99 system_uptime => {"seconds"=>35100, "hours"=>9, "days"=>0, "uptime"=>"9:45 hours"} timezone => *** type => 0x2 (unknown) uniqueid => 0da096a0 uptime => 9:45 hours uptime_days => 0 uptime_hours => 9 uptime_seconds => 35100 uuid => 8bef3185-b139-11d9-9a80-0013200b4f9e virtual => physical zfs_version => 5 zone_global_brand => native zone_global_id => 0 zone_global_iptype => shared zone_global_name => global zone_global_path => / zone_global_status => running zone_global_uuid => zonename => global zones => 1 zpool_version => 32

mmoll commented 9 years ago

@juaningan it would be super awesome if you could add Solaris support to this module, see #241 for the agent part and #288 for the master part of FreeBSD as examples, I guess the master part does not have that many users, so that would be only an extra chrerry on top.

I'm quite away from Solaris these days... are Solaris/x86 10 and 11 ISOs freely downloadable for testing purposes?

mmoll commented 8 years ago

@juaningan ping?

mmoll commented 8 years ago

No reaction, closing. We would need a PR with the respective block of settings in params.pp.