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Enable `esModuleInterop` by default in TS configs #15

Closed cowboyd closed 3 years ago

cowboyd commented 3 years ago

"Is there a good reason not to use esModuleInterop in TypeScript?"

In @dagda1 we trust

I would set it in your base tsconfig
I always set it
I think import * was the original intention but after babel, it never really caught on
I find import * as a default import confusing

dagda1 commented 3 years ago

could we do this in the @frontside/tsconfig or is that too big a breaking change.

If not we could have a base @bigtest/config that extends @frontside/tsconfig

cowboyd commented 3 years ago

@dagda1 I think we should do this in @frontside/tsconfig

dagda1 commented 3 years ago

I've created #16 for this

cowboyd commented 3 years ago

Closed by #16