thefrontside / simulacrum

A simulation platform for use during testing, during development and for high-fidelity application previews
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RFC: Introduce GraphGen into Simulacrum #178

Open taras opened 2 years ago

taras commented 2 years ago


Simulacrum has the concept of a state atom. It's a unified data store that is used by all simulators. Simulators consume this state and contribute to it based on their specific functionality. This concept is not unique to Simulacrum. Tools like Mirage.js have an Object-relational mapping (ORM) that is used to describe the data stored in the server. Server handlers use this ORM to generate the response payload.

The concept of an ORM is well known and established in our industry. Patterns and APIs around ORMs are familiar as well. All ORMs have a concept of a Model which gives name to data of a certain shape. Models have fields of different types. One of those types is relationships that represent connections between data. These models can be constructed using factories that control how objects are created from models. Factory APIs are different in ORM but they have one quality in common. They are designed to easily create models but they leave wiring up relationships up to the user via factory configuration. For example, in Mirage.js you can easily create 100 records with createList API, but if you would like those records to automatically create relationships you need to define how to construct those relationships in afterCreate hook.

Manually creating relationships is tedious but manageable when you’re simulating a single server. When you’re managing multiple simulators with all of their data models, wiring up all of the relationships becomes onerous and limiting. It’s onerous when the logic of relationship-creating code becomes more complicated than a very basic relationship - especially when you want to support multiple scenarios. It’s limiting because changing the rules that govern how relationships are created requires changing code which is not possible in low code environments like automated testing.

What all of these tools are missing is a way to declaratively describe the rules that control how relationship data is created. That mechanism needs to be higher level so you declare how the relationships are created without writing any code to connect those relationships. This is what frontside/graphgen project was designed to do. The API that it exposes is currently a little too low level to be truly declarative - think React.createElement before JSX was introduced. This goal of this RFC is to describe what introducing the graphgen into Simulacrum might look like.



cowboyd commented 2 years ago

I have a lot of thoughts and this space is so complex that each concern is intermingled, and so I'm not sure exactly what the priority ought to be. But here they are.

I propose that we explore this in the context of a person generator since people almost always sit at the center of every application. For example, we should be able to generate very realistic people out of the box. People that have attributes that are related to each other for example, we should be able to generate at least these field about a person

Clearly there is a certain probability that I am born in Japan, that I still live there (although I might be living abroad), and that I speak Japanese natively.

We can use this use-case to explore the model of generating relationships. In this case it would be relationships between people (love, work, friendship, etc...).

We should be able to answer most of the questions above by using this type of data generation as a primary use-case.