thefrontside / simulacrum

A simulation platform for use during testing, during development and for high-fidelity application previews
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Cypress version 11+ integration #234

Open MarkAPhillips opened 1 year ago

MarkAPhillips commented 1 year ago

In relation to

Would it possible to upgrade the documentation and code to align with the latest version of cypress 11.2?

I am currently reviewing your package and am looking at integrating it with cypress to simulate Auth0.

As I progress am happy to post my findings here if that if of help as assume this is possibly already on your roadmap.

MarkAPhillips commented 1 year ago

FYI I have managed to get this working now with the latest version of Cypress (browser) and will post some updates here later - key aspect was to create a cypress.config.ts (if using typescript)

import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { encrypt } from '@simulacrum/auth0-cypress/encrypt';

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      // implement node event listeners here
      on('task', { encrypt });
    env: {
      audience: 'xxxx',
      domain: 'localhost:4400',
      clientID: 'xxxx',
      connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
      scope: 'openid profile email',
dagda1 commented 1 year ago

@MarkAPhillips thank you for raising this. Do you feel comfortable raising a PR to increase the cypress version?

MarkAPhillips commented 1 year ago

Yes sure @dagda1 - but let me do some further investigations

dagda1 commented 1 year ago

@MarkAPhillips awesome! You have all the time you need

MarkAPhillips commented 1 year ago

Please note Cypress has now be updated to version 12 so will look into this now

dagda1 commented 1 year ago

@MarkAPhillips great stuff, let me know if there is anything I can do.

MarkAPhillips commented 1 year ago

A few things I have noticed when upgrading to version 12 is that I received this error: Cypress.Cookies.defaults() has been deprecated and is no longer supported - I am not sure where this is being used unless it relates to the cy.clearCookies command in the logout

Another point of note was that we are using Apollo client which was running a different version of graphql to that used by the auth0 simulator - so initially received an error as you cannot run two versions - so had to override this in the package.json

"overrides": { "@simulacrum/auth0-simulator": { "graphql": "16.6.0" } },

dagda1 commented 1 year ago

@MarkAPhillips upgrading the dependencies is the right thing to do.

MarkAPhillips commented 11 months ago

@dagda1 reviewing this again now - it seems the issue is that in this file - Cypress now recommend using cy.session for these scenarios

Do you have a preferred approach as the version of Cypress you are using is very much out of date - I have cloned this repository and will start to review upgrading Cypress to the latest - Cypress also recommend this approach - - for Cypress 12 - so might review this in line with changes in Cypress 12

Auth0 Authentication | Cypress Documentation
What you'll learn
dagda1 commented 11 months ago

Do you have a preferred approach as the version of Cypress you are using is very much out of date - I have cloned this

@MarkAPhillips I have no preferred approach and I very much look forward to see how you approach this

JasonLandbridge commented 9 months ago

Please see my PR I just created which solves all of the above :+1: