thegamenicorus / react-native-phone-input

Phone input box for React Native
MIT License
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Unable to use testID prop for automated tests #129

Closed Codnpix closed 4 years ago

Codnpix commented 4 years ago

Unable to detect react-native-phone-input component with Detox

We use PhoneInput from the react-native-phone-input package and it seems like the testID property is not supported. testID is the standard prop for testing native components with Detox and other testing tools, I'm able to use it on most of other native components but unfortunately not this one.

Could you update the package including testID prop support, or tell me if there is an alternative way to make that component and a testing program like Detox working together ?

Some snippets from my code in case you see something wrong in it : the component:

                    ref={ref => {
               = ref;
                    ref={ref => {
                        this.countryPicker = ref;
                    <View />

and the test I'm trying to pass looks like this :

it("should go to phone login screen", async () => {
        await expect(element("connectWithPhone"))).toBeVisible();
        await element("connectWithPhone")).tap();
        await expect(element("phoneLoginScreen"))).toBeVisible();
       // works until there

        await expect(element("phoneNumberInput"))).toBeVisible(); 
       //crashes here with error "got null"

        // ...


"dependencies: {
     "react-native-phone-input": "^0.2.4"
"devDependencies": {
    "detox": "^14.8.4",
    "jest": "^24.9.0"
"detox": {
    "configurations": {
      "android.emu.release": {
        "binaryPath": "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk",
        "build": "cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release && cd ..",
        "type": "android.emulator",
        "device": {
          "avdName": "Nexus_6_API_26"
    "test-runner": "jest"


Thank you for your help :).

jaydenwindle commented 4 years ago

Hi @Codnpix! You should be able to fix this by passing testID in via the textProps property. That way testID will be passed directly to the TextComponent that gets rendered, and should be visible to detox. Let me know if that works for you :)

Codnpix commented 4 years ago

Hi @jaydenwindle , I tried to do something like that :

import PhoneInput from "react-native-phone-input";
// ...
                    ref={ref => {
               = ref;
                    textProps={{testID: this.props.testID}}

But my component keeps returning null in the Detox test... Is this the syntax you're telling me about ?

Codnpix commented 4 years ago

Hi, it worked finally ! I don't know why it didn't the first time ... Some mysteries remains but thanks :).