thegamenicorus / react-native-phone-input

Phone input box for React Native
MIT License
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How to update internal phone number value when using a textComponent #144

Open jamesl1001 opened 4 years ago

jamesl1001 commented 4 years ago

I want to use the various methods such as isValidNumber(), getNumberType(), getValue(), getISOCode()` etc.

When I use the textComponent prop to customise the UI, how do I pass the value from this custom TextInput into the PhoneInput's state to be used by those methods?

    // onChangePhoneNumber={test => console.log(test)}
    onSelectCountry={() => this.setState({ countryCode: this.test.getCountryCode() }) }
    onSubmitEditing={() => console.log('111')}
    ref={ref => this.test = ref}
    textComponent={() => (
            <Text>Mobile number</Text>
                <Text onPress={() => this.test.onPressFlag()}>+{this.state.countryCode}</Text>
                    onChangeText={text => this.test.setState({ inputValue: text })}
kobagapu commented 4 years ago

<PhoneInput ref={ref => { phoneno = ref; }} onChangePhoneNumber ={(num)=>{ setPhone(num) }} style={{marginLeft:"20%"}} initialCountry = 'us' textProps={{ placeholder:I18n.t('phone'), returnKeyType: 'done',
keyboardType: 'phone-pad', style:(styles.input) }} />

This works

jamesl1001 commented 4 years ago

That's because you are not using the textComponent prop.

raethlein commented 4 years ago

Hey, based on this line , some probs such as the change listener are passed to the component, so instead of using your own onChangeText, you could try to pass the probs to the underlying element like:

textComponent={(props) => (
            <Text>Mobile number</Text>
                <Text onPress={() => this.test.onPressFlag()}>+{this.state.countryCode}</Text>
                    // onChangeText={text => this.test.setState({ inputValue: text })}
OsamaMukhtar commented 4 years ago

I am having the same problem

marlene89 commented 3 years ago

same issue. any one find an answer?

NataD commented 3 years ago

Any updates on the issue? I even cannot get the value from the phone input using onChangePhoneNumber once I am using custom textComponent

kovetskiy commented 3 years ago

I had the same issue but then I figured out that I was using textComponent like that:

textComponent={() => ( <MyInput /> )

while I actually had to pass props:

textComponent={(props) => ( <MyInput {...props} /> )