thegetty / mummyportraits

“Mummy Portraits of Roman Egypt: Emerging Research from the APPEAR Project,” edited by Marie Svoboda and Caroline R. Cartwright
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Formatting footnotes as HTML #4

Closed geealbers closed 4 years ago

geealbers commented 4 years ago

For the footnotes numbers themselves, in place of the markdown version [^1], the html version is:

<sup class=footnote-ref id=fnref:1><a href=#fn:1>1</a></sup>

For footnote 2, it would be:

<sup class=footnote-ref id=fnref:2><a href=#fn:2>2</a></sup>

And so on. Then, for the footnotes on the bottom of the page, under the usual ## Notes header at the very bottom of the Markdown file, you'll add an ordered list <ol> structured like this:

<div class=footnotes>
  <hr />
    <li id=fn:1>First footnote text here ...<a class=footnote-return href=#fnref:1>↩</a></li>
    <li id=fn:2>Second footnote text here ...<a class=footnote-return href=#fnref:2>↩</a></li>
    <li id=fn:3>Third footnote text here ...<a class=footnote-return href=#fnref:3>↩</a></li>

This will mirror the layout and styling of the footnotes on all the other pages. When you get to the citation, I think we're going to have to also code those in HTML as well (instead of using the {{< q-cite >}} shortcode) but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.