Before proceeding, check to make sure there isn’t an existing issue for your suggestion or a similar one.
[X] I have searched the existing issues and determined this is new suggestion.
Idea being proposed
@geealbers As discussed, we are going to add to the Modifying and Styling the PDF section of Output Your Project to provide more thorough instructions addressing questions from the community like GitHub Issue #801 from @zsofiaj.
What contribution category does your proposal fall under?
Before proceeding, check to make sure there isn’t an existing issue for your suggestion or a similar one.
Idea being proposed
@geealbers As discussed, we are going to add to the Modifying and Styling the PDF section of Output Your Project to provide more thorough instructions addressing questions from the community like GitHub Issue #801 from @zsofiaj.
What contribution category does your proposal fall under?
Write/propose new section
Supporting Information
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