thegreenwebfoundation / co2.js

An npm module for accessing the green web API, and estimating the carbon emissions from using digital services
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Consider making userAgentIdentifier a default parameter in the hosting check() method, then a required string elsewhere. #191

Closed mrchrisadams closed 2 months ago

mrchrisadams commented 5 months ago

In our dev docs, for the check API, the check() method is described as follows:

To check if a single domain is green hosted, you can pass the following parameters into the check function:

domain: string the website domain you want to check for green hosting. userAgentIdentifier: string Optional since v0.14.2 the name of the project, product, or app which is performing the check.

In the actual code, the implementation looks like this

function check(domain, userAgentIdentifier) {
  // is it a single domain or an array of them?
  if (typeof domain === "string") {
    return checkAgainstAPI(domain, userAgentIdentifier);
  } else {
    return checkDomainsAgainstAPI(domain, userAgentIdentifier);

We currently pass in this userAgentIdentifier parameter all the way through the call chain, like this, in the checkAgainst API function

async function checkAgainstAPI(domain, userAgentIdentifier) {
  const req = await fetch(
      headers: getApiRequestHeaders(userAgentIdentifier),
  const res = await req.json();

You can't actually see what the userAgentIdentifier is likely to be until right before the the API request is made, like so - see the source in our helper file

function getApiRequestHeaders(comment = "") {
  return { "User-Agent": `co2js/${process.env.CO2JS_VERSION} ${comment}` };

A proposal

Right now, we say the userAgentIdentifer parameter is optional in our docs, but it's actually required in our top level check() function signature - we just sort of tidy up scenarios where it's undefined, by calling getApiRequestHeaders right at the end.

I didn't realise you can pass in callable functions as default parameters with javascript, which are evalulated at call time.

With this in mind, I think it might actually be clearer and simpler to have a function signature like this, where we clearly pass in a default function to identify an API client, when it's not specified. Something like this:

function check(domain, userAgentIdentifier = identifyAPIClient() ) {
  // is it a single domain or an array of them?
  if (typeof domain === "string") {
    return checkAgainstAPI(domain, userAgentIdentifier);
  } else {
    return checkDomainsAgainstAPI(domain, userAgentIdentifier);

And for our identifyAPIClient() we might have some code like this, which is only concerned about identifying itself, rather than building or changing request headers too.

@param {string} comment - Optional. The app, site, or organisation that is making the request.
function identifyAPIClient(comment="") {
  return `co2js/${process.env.CO2JS_VERSION} ${comment}`

If we did it this way:

Anyway @fershad, I'm leaving this issue here to discuss next week, as it's something I realised when reading over #189, and I think it might help with handling stuff like verbose = true as a default parameter there too, along with anything else we choose in future.

fershad commented 2 months ago

@mrchrisadams the plan is to move towards using an options object for anything additional (like userAgentIdentifier, verbose, or anything else we add later).

We've started down that path with #189, and I've covered off how we can guide developers to use the options object to pass in optional information for a greencheck (

mrchrisadams commented 2 months ago

Thanks @fershad , that works for me.

I'm closing this, as I think your last comment addresses anything I initially raised. I realised the nifty default parameter thing after suggesting the options parameter approach discussed in #189, and TBH I'm not familiar enough to advocate hard for it, so the options approach sounds good.