thegreenwebfoundation / greencheck-api

The green web foundation API
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Rename this project to represent its role #60

Closed mrchrisadams closed 4 years ago

mrchrisadams commented 4 years ago

@arendjantetteroo the name thegreenwebfoundation / thegreenwebfoundation isn't all that helpful for new users, and is a bit confusing when managing issues too.

Given that this repo contains the greencheck API, and we have a separate admin repo (with an equally poor repo name right now…), how do you feel about renaming this to something more descriptive- maybe greencheck-api?

I'd like to rename the django based admin project something different than thegreenwebfoundation/greenwebfoundation-admin/, as that's not all that descriptive either, but I'm not sure yet.

Suggestions for both welcome…

arendjantetteroo commented 4 years ago

Yes, makes sense. When i started this i had expected to have a monorepo for everything we do at the greenweb, but that seems not really realistic or a good idea anyway.

greencheck-api seems fine for me.

for the admin, maybe something with hoster-portal?

arendjantetteroo commented 4 years ago

@mrchrisadams changed to greencheck-api. will work tomorrow on the deploy scripts.

mrchrisadams commented 4 years ago

I've updated the django project to hosting-portal.

There's an issue here now for updating the deployment scripts. Given they both use similar ansible playbooks, it might be possible to end up with a nice zero-touch deployment pipeline for both projects.

arendjantetteroo commented 4 years ago

Deploy scripts updated. I think we can close this one now.