thehookup / Motorized_MQTT_Blinds

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PCB #72

Open Nexetion opened 2 years ago

Nexetion commented 2 years ago

Has anyone attempted to make a PCB for this project? it would make it so much better!

Siumba commented 1 year ago

I've tried creating one, I just ordered it and have therefore not tested it yet. Attached zip holds the gerber files

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 12 51 50 Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 12 53 13
Siumba commented 1 year ago

Regarding my previous comment, that PCB works. However, I've created a new, updated version which can drive 2 motors, uses a different DC DC Converter and it has overvoltage protection by using a 100uf capacitor.

Screenshot 2023-01-20 at 00 25 46
