theiagen / public_health_bioinformatics

Bioinformatics workflows for genomic characterization, submission preparation, and genomic epidemiology of pathogens of public health concern.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Check Organism Abundance From The Kraken report for TheiaCoV Workflows #322

Closed jrotieno closed 4 months ago

jrotieno commented 6 months ago

This PR closes #230.

🗑️ This dev branch should be deleted after merging to main.

:brain: Aim, Context and Functionality

This PR checks for the abundance of the organism input in the TheiaCoV workflows using Kraken2. The organism input is passed onto the readQC_trim workflows that call the Kraken2 task. As the readQC_trim workflows are also called by the TheiaProk workflows, the organism input is optional for the readQC_trim workflows and the Kraken2 task.

For the TheiaProk workflows that do not have an organism input, the workflows will produce the most abundant organism from the Kraken report.

The organism abundance estimation will be performed pre and post human reads removal (dehosting). The pre-host reads removal abundance could be useful in estimating the target organism amplification process and contamination, while the post-host reads removal could be useful in understanding the efficiency and impact of the human read removal process.

:hammer_and_wrench: Impacted Workflows/Tasks & Changes Being Made

This will affect the behavior of the workflow(s) even if users don’t change any workflow inputs relative to the last version : Yes. There will be new outputs.

Running this workflow on different occasions could result in different results, e.g. due to use of a live database, "latest" docker image, or stochastic data processing : No

:clipboard: Workflow/Task Step Changes

🔄 Data Processing

Docker/software or software versions changed: N/A

Databases or database versions changed: N/A

Data processing/commands changed: Yes. Additional steps in the Kraken2 task to extract organism abundance estimates.

File processing changed: N/A

Compute resources changed: N/A

➡️ Inputs

⬅️ Outputs

Kraken2 task most_abundant_organism percent_most_abundant_organism

TheiaCoV_illumina_PE kraken_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_most_abundant_organism_dehosted kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_dehosted

TheiaCoV_ONT kraken_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_most_abundant_organism_dehosted kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_dehosted

readQC_trim_PE kraken_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_most_abundant_organism_dehosted kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_dehosted

readQC_trim_ONT kraken_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_most_abundant_organism_dehosted kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_dehosted

TheiaProk_illumina_PE kraken_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_raw kraken_most_abundant_organism_dehosted kraken_percent_most_abundant_organism_dehosted

:test_tube: Testing

Test Dataset

Commandline Testing with MiniWDL or Cromwell (optional)

Terra Testing




Additional testing with kraken_target_org input

  1. Organism input is sars-cov-2 and target organism is sars-cov-2, with the latter not being a proper taxonomic name expected to fail
  2. Organism input is sars-cov-2 and target organism is influenza, for an all human reads sample
  3. Organism input is sars-cov-2 and target organism is Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, input reads all SARS-CoV-2, expected to pass
  4. Organism input is WNV and target organism is Influenza, input reads are a mixed sample of flu, WNV, HIV and SARS-CoV-2, expected to pass

Suggested Scenarios for Reviewer to Test

Theiagen Version Release Testing (optional)

:microscope: Final Developer Checklist

🎯 Reviewer Checklist

🗂️ Associated Documentation (to be completed by Theiagen developer)

jrotieno commented 5 months ago

Having this as a draft pending merging of